Chapter 43 - 신비 (SIN-BI)[Mystery]

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The bright full moon illuminated the train car as the Seoul lights came into view. Tae had decided to go back home after having dinner with his family. To be completely honest, I was glad that he had decided to leave. He needed sometime to clear his head from what he had learned. It was one thing to have an arranged marriage, but it was another thing to have an arranged marriage with a close friend without even knowing it. 

'What does that mean for me?'

This affects how I think about my parents, no doubt about it. If they had planned for me to marry someone who wasn't well off, then they would have needed to be in a similar financial situation. That explanation would make even less sense seeing that my whole family moved to America, which would mean that they would have had enough money to provide us with a home in a new country. All of this is making less and less sense, there must have been some fabrications or misinterpretations. I wasn't even able to speak at the time I lost my family. 

'I should check the family register again.'

Of course, I had checked it many times. It was mandatory for the company to see it once I was expected to become a trainee. It stated my family's births, relatives, and deaths. Of course that would mean I would need to take time out of my schedule to go to the government building to pick up a new copy which showed my uncle's death, but it could provide me with more information.

"Ya, Roxi-ah."

I break away from the self implemented trance I had put on myself to see Tae tilt his head up. He had been asleep this entire time, or so I thought.

"Yes Tae-oppa?"

He blinks his eyes owlishly to clear up his vision before pulling his bag to him and taking something out.

Tae P.O.V

-1 Hour Ago-

"It was nice seeing you again Eomma, Appa."I say as a breeze of wind ruffles my loose shirt.

The sound of trains scraping along the rundown train tracks and car tires against the asphalt pavement sounded dull and dead. The heat of the Daegu night just started, the town that I once knew far better than anyone else...treated me like a stranger. The change of atmosphere was overwhelming.

'It's colder than I remember.'

'The stars aren't as bright as before.'

'People don't smile as much anymore.'

Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. From all the shock I had endured today, I was surprised I didn't breakdown under all the pressure like a child. Roxi was by the ticket stand, buying our way back home. The home I had created with the people I'm glad to call my own family.

"It was nice seeing you too son."my father smiled, pulling me into a hug.

I hugged back, a terrible feeling in my gut as my arms wrapped around my father. This hug was different from the others I once had. It had no feeling at all. No emotion or message. I gulped and held back my tears as I let go, my mother sparing me a soft smile. The dim street lamps sent light crawling across the pitch black road, people I had once knew seemed unfamiliar to me in the darkness. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small hand-sized blue velvet box.

A jewelry box.

"Taehyung...I know you do not see us as you once did, but we cherish you more than anything else in the world. We did in the past, and we still do now."

My mother handed me the jewelry box, watching my movements as I opened it to find a sparkling diamond ring.


"Your father had originally meant it for me when he had proposed."she pursed her lips and sighed."But we had decided before we were married that we would use this as a token for our first son once he finds the one."

"Really?"I chuckle, any other word getting caught in my throat for a moment."...What did I do to deserve such thoughtful parents?"

My father shook his head with a smile and patted my head."Why thank you son."

"We should head back home, your siblings will start getting worried."my mother says, pulling me into a tight hug."I hope to see you again Taehyung."

"You too Eomma."I say, hugging back as I clentch the box in my hand.

We separate and I turn around to head to the station, putting the box into my bag. Roxi was waiting by the enterance with a tired expression on her face that lit up once she saw me coming. Although mine changed once my mother's voice reached my ears.

"Your friend AJ looks just like her mother."

I stiffen up and spin around. My parents smiling at me with a knowing look.

"...When did you find out?"I ask, my eyes widening.

"I found out with just one look at her."she says softly."Remember who gave you your big eyes."

I let out a deep laugh and shook my head at my parent's observations."...What were her parents like?"

"They were nice folks, wealthy enough to move to a foreign country with two newborn children, and they were smitten by your smile when they first met you."my father answers."They were the perfect couple."

My lips twitch into a smile as I look at my own parents, seeing them hand in hand, practically beaming with happiness."That...sounds nice."

It's like my eyes were open to a new world. Things I took for granted finally registered into my mind. My parents, my siblings, my town, my friends. I miss them all and it's only been one day. To imagine losing any of would be heartbreaking.

'I wonder how Roxi-ah sees the world.'


The moonlight made the velvet box glow in my bag. My hand shaking slightly as I reach for it, only to pause and sigh.

"...Do you have a phone charger with you by any chance Roxi-ah?"

"Wah, your manager is right. You are forgetful."she chuckles with a shake of her head as she reaches to grab her bag at her side.

I smile through my mask before looking back at the box. An sharp tightness hit straight through my chest as I felt Roxi place her hand on mine.

"Yah, Tae-oppa here."she says with a close-eyed smile while handing me her charger.

"...Thank you Roxi-ah."

'I need to be sure that...she's the one.'

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