Chapter 3 - 쇼핑 (SYO-PING)[Shopping]

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With all five of my dogs on their leashes and my necessities I left my dorm and went to my motorcycle that was right outside.

"Argh now I need to add the basket thing and everything, hold up guys."I laugh to myself, opening up the seat to reveal a large metal cage that was covered by soft linen and lined with a blanket."Wouldn't want you all falling out right?"

I put the cage down and all five obediently walked inside, snuggling against each other. I connect it to my seat and locked it in. I start up my motorcycle and drive towards the nearest department store. It wasn't as far as I thought, since I knew this city like the back of my hand. I got off the bike and let my dogs out, taking the handle of the leash and leading them to the furniture area of the department store nearby. 

"What to get, what to get..."I think aloud."Oh I better get the camera out as well."

I open up my bag with one hand to get the camera out, taking the selfie-stick looking thing to hold it up. I was never really good at technology. Once I got it all set up, I turned it on and smiled.

"Hello! Roxi here! My manager wanted me to vlog my travels around the city and my daily life. So why not?"I smile, flashing a heart and walkin through the store at the same time."I'm just at a department store to get furniture for my dorm. It's so plain you know. All I have in my living room are white walls Yeah...the idol life! I'll get it all pretty soon enough. Why don't you all help me?"

"What about this..."I found myself at the furniture area, seeing the couches as soon as I walked in."White couch?...Mmm no. I eat a lot so I doubt I could be able to keep it clean for that long. And I already have white walls...Hey what about this red couch?!"

I ask, jumping onto the couch."It's so comfy. I bet I could sleep here, no. I don't think my dogs would let anyone bother they'll probably see me asleep and sleep themselves. This couch is red. Red means passion and love. But I'm not going to find a boyfriend until I'm old and frail, that is unless my future oppa is watching. If you are, hello! It's me, your wife. Treat me well, call me beautiful, and you might just get a kiss."

I blow a kiss to the camera and turn to see a deep green cushion couch that would look perfect in the living room. It was big enough and looked even comfier than my bed."Hey what do you think of this? Eh, I don't care what you think. I like it. Don't. Judge. Me. I love you all!"I giggle.

~8 Hours Later~

"Owie, my throat is killing me. And I can't feel my legs. Good thing I bought everything I needed. It should be sent to my dorm by tomorrow."I say, carrying my dogs to my motorcycle."Hey, look at these cuties. They're using me as their slave. Huhhhhhhhhh I'm tired and they're making me carry them. I'll drop them off at my dorm and them I'll do to dinner...yep! See you then!"

I turned off the camera and look at my phone. It was already 7 o'clock. The sunset a while ago too. How great. I carefully place my dogs into their seats and get into my own to start it up and drive. I got all the way to my dorm without any problems, but I decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs since I could barely walk anymore. I tucked all of the puppies into bed and hurried over to Sobo-san for dinner. Once I came I saw everyone in their assigned seats for dinner. It looks like I was one of the last ones to arrive. Seeing Lim-unnie writing down song lyrics on her computer, I smiled. I'm glad I know someone like her now. I walked past some idols and the BTS members to get to Sobo-san's kitchen.

"Sobo-san? Do you need any help?"I ask.

"No no, I just finished everything a few minutes ago. How was the photo shoot?"she asked back, smiling her shining smile, motioning me to walk into the kitchen.

"Tiring. in a way. It's very hard to explain."I think."Now what did you get ready for me today?"

"I made you some chicken kimchi."she says handing me a plate.

"Arigato."I say."I'll help you wash the dishes after! I can do that."

"Are you sure you have nothing else to do?"she gasps, grasping her heart with surprise.

"I assure you I have nothing else to do. I don't wanna get too spoiled anyway."I chuckle.

"You're such a good girl!"Sobo-san praises."Now go go, eat."

I nod and walk through the curtain and into the eating area where the idols were socializing. I got to my seat and preceded with my small talk with Lim-unnie. 

"You seem so mature! How old are you Roxi?"she asks, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"I'm only 21."I answer, blushing at her surprised expression.

"Amazing!"she gasps."You're only 21 and you're about to debut as an idol!"

"I've done research before realizing I wanted to be an idol."I say, seeing that only a few groups were leaving."It seemed like the best thing for me to do."

"And your parents allowed that?"she asked.

""I stutter, fighting the memories and trying to stay cool."I mean...they-...oh god I'm getting nervous."

'Don't cry. Don't cry.'

"Don't worry, no need to be nervous around me."she reassures."What happened to your parents?"

"Well..."I looked up to make sure no one was listening."They got into a car accident when I was born. My little brother who was supposed to my twin died as well. I don't really know how I survived. My uncle ended up taking care of me, so I was raised here."

"Oh..."her expression turned somber."Sorry to hear that."

"Oh no, it's alright. I'm done grieving. It's been 21 years after all."I say, frantically blinking to fight back the tears."Damn."

"Come here."she whispers, pulling me out of my chair and hurrying me outside so I could let my feelings out while clinging to her.

Black tears stained my cheeks, making me feel even worse."Sorry I broke down in there."

"No I shouldn't have asked anything."she apologizes."If you need anyone to talk to I'm here. You're someone I know now, and I don't want to see anyone I know sad."

"Thank you Lim-unnie."I smile, wiping my cheeks.

She checked her crystal watch and sighed."I better get back to my dorm. I'm waiting for a call. Remember what I told you okay. Bye bye."

She walks away and I recompose myself and get back inside. Luckily no one noticed anything wrong with me, there were some second glances but none looked like they were ready to do anything. I finished eating and went back to the kitchen to help Sobo-san wash the dishes.

'I almost ruined my reputation in there...I'm glad I know someone like Lim-unnie. She's like the motherly-figure I always wanted.'

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