The Bet With Mr. Popular

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All eyes turned to the tall muscular figure standing at the door.

Oh crap!

"What the hell is going on here?!" a confused and angry Noah walked in. "Winter I specifically told you not to bring anybody here!"

"You actually told me not to tell anybody about this."

Me and my big mouth.

"Oh my bad!" Noah said sarcastically "maybe I should have fucking written it down on my hand so I would have fucking remembered."

"Watch your language!"

"Oh shit, sorry."

"Wait, what is going on here?" Alexis asked completely confused.

Noah turned his attention to Alexis who was standing awkwardly.

"What is she doing here anyway?" He asked me completely ignoring her question.

"She is staying the night." I folded my arms and said it as if it was nothing, which in a way it kinda was.

"Here? HELL NO!" He almost choked. "Yeah Alexis darling, you have to find another place to stay." He said approaching her and pointing in the direction of the door.

"Where am I supposed to go?" 

"I honestly don't care." He walked into the bathroom and gave me a look as to say 'when I get out she better be gone.'

But the rebellious side to me, which I didn't know existed, had other ideas.

Once Noah slammed the door Alexis gave me the same confused look she had from the moment Noah walked in the door.

"It's okay you can stay here, just ignore him."

I went to get her stuff for her but she stopped me. She gave me another look with her arms folded looking towards the direction of the bathroom which Noah was currently in.

I had quite the bit of explaining to do

"So you mean to tell me that this was your room at first, but yesterday Noah was dumped in here with you; and you asked the teachers if one of you's could switch but they said no, so your stuck with him for the rest of camp?" She recapped.

I simply nodded.

"You could have told me that you know!" She shouted while giggling.

Phew she wasn't mad.

"It's embarrassing." I confessed.

"Most girls would say you are one of the luckiest girls alive!" Alexis stated "You are being forced to share a room with Noah Parker!"

"I know right." Noah's deep voice sounded gaining both our attention. Noah's voice wasn't like the angry and sarcastic voice he had a few minutes ago. It was evident that he was still annoyed but he was definitely much calmer. "We should really get going, we have activities to do and crap."

"Who knew, I guess the bad boy actually does want to participate in school activities." Alexis sarcastically joked exitting the door.

"Are you mad?" I asked shyly afraid of whether he was going to burst in my face.

He stared at me and put his hands in his pocket. Finally after a minute of us having some staring contest or something, he finally shook his head.

"No, I'm not."

"So she can stay?"

"Whatever." Was the last thing he said before he went and slammed the door.

This guy honestly confused me sometimes.

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