Chapter 2: Not a nice encounter

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**Aera's POV**

"Hai nama saya Aera,I will work here every saturday as a part time worker. Please take care of me" I bow exactly 90° sharp at my two workmate. One was a man in the middle 20s but looks older than me and the other one is a girl, seems like a highschool student?. Part time is quite popular among student nowadays so no doubt she's one of them.

"Hai nama sia Erick, tida paya la kau mau cakap formal² sama kami aa Aera hehehhh kami ok seja ni" the grey haired guy smiled at me and pull out his hand for a handshake.

I simply received his handshake, and nodded. What a cute smile

"Hai im chloe a part time highschool student, age 16 and my boyfriend is....... "
"Eiii eii chlowieeeee you dont have to mention that, kau pikir dia ni akak polis ka mau tanya pasal kau aiyehh". Marah si erick sambil pukul kepala si chloe guna tisu.
"Hehehh manatau kan, siou siou"

Begitulah how our short perkenalan happen yet it was a cute and warming welcome for me i guess, they look nice and hmm seems like there's only the three of us working in here, mungkin sebab ni cafe kecil (the cafe consist 4 small coffee table inside and 1 long table in front of a tampered window glass next to the entrance and facing the scenery of the busy road)

Yoshhhh i am sure I'll get along with these two hehehehh so let's get to work!!

Erick works in the kitchen, while chloe at the counter in charge of making drinks and light beverage. Me? I worked very hard for making sure the cafe left in tidy and clean because hygiene is the first. I looked up the 'A's symbol at the wall. Ini cafe memang layak dapat A.

Half day has pass since I helped and learned how to do things especially handling the brewing machine at the counter with chloe. The weather was nice, and it made me sleepy i must prevent myself from being lazy for the first day of my work,Thus i decide to go to the kitchen memandangkan customer pun tiada time tu, limpas suda lunch hour debilang. Maybe i could lend erick some help.

"Eip aera, habis suda gia kerja sini dapur ni, tinggal tunggu tu 3 tray cookies dalam oven lagi." He looked at me and smiled

Hmm dia ni memang ada senyuman nakal. Eh selalu tesenyum. Hehehhh

"Aa oh yaa hari ni boss kita balik dari Singapore, jadi macam biasa lah kalau dia balik tu mesti ada menu baru yang dia mau bikin, so dia mau jumpa dulu la sebelum kita balik. Bolehh ba kan".

"Bos?" Eh i thought erick is our bos. Sebab yang sa tau erick punya number ja yang ada dalam risalah job vacancy si joshua bagi.

Erick chuckled "nope, im not the boss i am just the assistant cook who plays a boss roles when the real boss are not here. Aii mesti kau fikir yang i am the boss because i am the one who you contacted right?".

"Um yeaahh mengapakah begitu?".

"Hahahahah bulum pass lagi sia ni mau jadi big boss pilato's cafe. Emm tapi kan if you want to know, the real boss i mean the real cook is Sam merangkap the owner of these small cafe and the one yang bayar gaji kita hahahahhaa"

"Sam?. Who is this guy? You sound like you respect him alot". I asked erick again because i was curious about these boss guy, well the urge to know who will pay your salary kan.

"He is.... *looks at me and do the eye smile* um i think better if you see him laa karang, so you can judge him right here right now heheheh".

I stares at him and looked deep into his hazel eyes hoping that he will give me a little bit more clue about the guy boss. But erick doesn't want to give in.

He continued "actually ive met him about 10 years ago. He like a brother to me,and yeppp i respect him cause i owe him alot" there he goes again smiling and saying some cliche speech. He took out a tray of cookies and gave me one

Our times (Slow Update)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon