Chapter 4: I lie for good

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**Aera's POV**

Sam is busied himself preparing for his new menu, i just helped him to wash the dishes and tulung² blender tu egg seja beii,  Terus sa teingat si Erick cakap sama sa tadi

"He put a lot of effort in his cooking, even his feelings"

        No doubt, dari tadi lagi serius betul si sam masak ni, it smell delicious! But i won't puji masakan dia, sa tingu pun macam biasa seja masakan dia ni. I thought to myself, Bagus kau aera, you really annoyed right? You're looking down on him. I crossed my arm as i only watching him decorating his food into the bento box.  Looks like we are about to done, upon watching him finished the final touch i look around the house.

      Perghhh bulihh tahan juga ruma si sam nii, tinggal saturang ka dia ni? Macam ruma bujang seja ni. I talked to myself again and walked around the living room, the place is just not too big nor to small but it was perfect for a small family to live in. But then suddenly as i walked towards a photo shelf, my step stopped as i saw a picture of 2 men standing arm to arm smiling widely wearing a chef attire, 1 in a fully black uniform with red apron and the other 1 fully white uniform with blue apron. I scan the face, it was Erick and him!

Waw betul² macam brothers oh mereka

        Then i moved to the other photo. Its a family photo. In the picture Sam was standing at the back of two elders mungkin parents dia la nii, and sebelah menyebelah parents dia ada 2 sumandak duduk di sebelah kanan and yang sebelah kiri ada 1 tanakwagu.  Adi beradi dia semua ada kulit puti macam dia and semua cantik2 sama insom. Muka dorg lagi laa betul2 macam ada mix pinoy ni.

"We are done! Oi stop staring at my things,  we are leaving" the arrogance sam seem has finished his business. Terus tefikir ni sa tiba2 bikin hairan juga kenapa tida masak seja di sana kafe. Mau juga balik rumah 😒

"Kalau kau tida kasi samak tu dapur tadi, kompom lama suda sa siap masak" sambil jeling tingu sa aii macam dia tau seja oh apa yang sa fikir 😂


"18 mins to go, packed the things and go down deluan" si sam masuk pigi bilik.  Ada barang kali mau ambil

So without waiting for the rude sam, I climbed down the stairs but my step stopped in the middle as my eyes caught some fascinating view in front of me. Waaa cherry tomato, lada putih waa subur gilaa.. Tida sa pecaya dia yang tanam semua ni, dia punya frontyard ada mini garden semua tanaman organik lagi.

"Ada banyak lagi tu sana bumbung cafe" tekezut sa dingar husky voice si sam sana belakang sa. Nasib juga sa ni bukan jenis yang obinsala

"Seriusli ada mini garden juga sana kafe?! Gila rajin juga si erick bekebun Waww" i praised erick's work again but then i stopped praising when i saw his bingung² face,  sa pun ikut bingung. Lepas tu i continued walking towards the bicycle.

"Puppy girl! We are using car, or unless you want to belajar naik basikal?" Walked down the stairs which leads to underground garage next to stairs yg mau naik pigi ruma si sam.

Odoii dogo kana lagi kau Aera tskkk tskk.. Apalah nasib sa ni, macam kana buli2 seja.

Belari si aera bubut si sam dari belakang.

**Sam's POV**

"Rajin juga si erickk berkebun!!" Bilang si puppy girl.  Aii? bingung sa kijap, sa mau cakap yang saya yang tanam, baa sia punya tenaga beituu angkat2 tanah kasi baja.. Sinang2 si erick yang dapat nama uhhh. Tapi sa inda jadi mau kasitau dia sebab macam dia pun teikut bingung.  We-weird la-lady. Kanapah kau pun ikut bingung? Kelucuan sa nampak tu muka.😂

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