Chapter 3: Help?

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**Sam's POV**

          I was startled when i felt a heavy burdens clinging on my shoulders, my neck was arm locked and i could felt two legs wrapping my waist.  Its her! The puppy girl!  What is wrong with her? I tried to escape from her but then while in the chaos i heard she screamed out loud that a thief has been invading the kitchen, stealing things?.  Uh?  Kijap siapa yang dia panggil pencuri ni? Me?  Come on!

Dapur kafe pun sa nampak samak sudah,  sa pun tidatau bila masa bulih² dia umban sa tepung pigi kepala. Gerigitan butul saya sama ni puppy girl, like i am so mad right now sabar kauu sam! She is seriusli getting in my nerves hmphhhhhh 😤

"Heyyyy! Stop it" i shouted trying to stopped her from strangling onto me but she cried for help and called the two, Erick and Chloe.

The moment when i tried to turn my back (i was trying to grab her by her back but im afraid if my hand landed on to some part of her body which i cuba elek dari 'tersentuh')  Erick and chloe rush in. Oh God!  Why are you guys so late!.

"Astagaaa Aera!!" , "Sam!!" The two belangkas screamed in rhythm.  I glared at them. Lambatttt butul bah kamurang sampai nii bikin maradang btul.
The puppy girl pula, she has stopped begelut d belakang saya, seriusli im not gonna let her slip after causing a ruckus in my kitchen.  The struggling at my back has stopped, I assume that she recognize me by my name after hearing erick's screamed, which mean... Erick has told him about me huh?, ehh wait she is the new recruit girl?  HAHAHAA dead meat la you puppy girl (Evil smirk) 👿

"Im not gonna let you messed up with MY KITCHEN and MY FOOD here!" I said to her and stare at him straight in the eyes, did i terrify her? Well i know she's new but this girl are stubborn! Betul² kasi panas saya   I will treat her some lesson.  Kau tunggu la aa mandak hmphh.

She let go of her hand and slowly get off from my back. She's embarrassed? Heh

"I i... Umm". Tegagap juga la c Aera becakap. Rasa bersalah suda di lubuk ginawo(hati)  dia kali.  Sambayang suda dia dalam hati yg dia fikir selamat ka tida dia ni nanti. Tabahkan hatimu nopolah Aera.

I ignored her. "Erick please help me wrapped everything in here,besides we will close the cafe early today and macam biasa gather at the main cafe jam4.30 sharp! I'll be there soon.  And you puppy girl! come with me".

"Cheer up Aera!" Erick shows his support to the new girl and walked towards me and said to me

"Please be gentle to her Sam,jangan buli sumandak aa" he smiled sambil patted my shoulders and immediately start picking up the lying kitchen utensils on the floor.

I looked at the puppy girl. But she just look on her feet. I'll be nice. 👿

**Aera's POV**

"You puppy girl, follow me" i know the moment he told me to come with him i'll be dead.  Kalau boleh macam sa mau cari periuk belanga seja bikin cover tu muka sa yang malu Aishh buduhh ba kau Aera.

"Aeraa nanti cerita sa apa yang jadi" si Chloe pigi siku tangan sa sebelum pigi tulung c erick kasi susun tu barang2 yang jatuh.

I followed him. I dont know where to but looks like we are heading out from the cafe. Before we reached out the cafe,  I pulled out my henfon and text Joshua,  saya mesti lapor dia masalah saya yang memalukan ini,  to be honest, whenever i got or involved myself into trouble, he is the first person whom i seek walaupun hakikatnya sa kana 'cuci telinga' terus kana ijik lagi tapi sa tetap cari dia juga sebab dia kan a good listener punya urang ba itu la sebab sia selalu mau cari dia hehehh.

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