Fe15 boys scenrios

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FEATURING GIRLS.(I mean stuff regarding girls)I been thinking of doing this because in my head I have headcannons/AU's for all the boys ;> expect leon, I respect his rainbows.I'm sorry if I updated it and unpublished it it's because I accidentally published it when I only did when they have a crush Part but I like these kind of and this is more words I write in my average fan fic so I hope you like this one :,).

Having a crush
•Will stalk you but denies to himself that he does
•Main focus:Make sure she doesn't get hurt
•Tells the healers to be near you 24/7
•Awkward when talking and starts to panic

•Flirts but inside he is under steaming hot water
•His flirting makes it awkward since he's nervous
•He's way more clumsy when he sees you
•Thinks everyone is in love with you
•Would fight the whole army

•Hangs around you move often
•Doesn't say anything at all that might slightly offend you
•When he does stalk you after awhile he just comes out of hiding if you haven't found him
•Fanboys inside if you do anything slightly romantic
•Writes you letters everyday
•Teaches you everything he knows

•Fights his hardest when he's near you
•Always showing off near you
•But actually he's squeals inside when he's near you
•Asks advice from gray since he's the flirt of the group
•Would collect hair strands but ends up because gray calls him creepy

•Over protective as hell
•Stalks you as well
•He is Fredrick to you but in a romantic way
•Would swim through lava and survive to get to you.

•Knows his limits as he says so he just talks to you normally
•Wants to be all flirty n' shit but can't 'cause he thinks it won't work
•Gets advice from Forsyth and it sucks
•Your the reason for his shitty hit rate

•Gets advice from python which he gives better advice
•Moves everything  and everyone aside for you(H A M O V E A S I D E)
•Cooks for you
•Cleans for you
•Literally acts like a mom

•Tries to act normal and fails
•If you ever want something he will get it somehow
•Always tells you about everything
•Deltha tells you bluntly that he like you as he pretends she's lying
•very obvious he like you

-Kamui-Yes the echoes one

-Kamui-Yes the echoes one

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I have nothing for him

jealous 24/7
aWKaRD n' ShY
•Gives you a bunch of flowers
•Learns how to cook for you
•Celica teases him and give you subtle hints every now and then
•Celica is also always asking when she is gonna get her nieces and nephews

When they ask their crush out
•Has been thinking about this everyday
•He goes to your usual route when you go out for a walk
•Waits for hours for you
•When you show up he starts to get anxious
•He pretends he just got there
•Awkward small talk
•After awhile he says "I know you probably just see me as a friend but I love you!I would fight anything for you.So please, accept my feelings!"

•Tries to act really slick and gives you a note when your not looking(Kliff made it for him)
•He surprise hugs you from behind ;>
•And says "Hey uh, I know I may seem like I'm not really being genuine but, I love you,more than any woman I've met, I swear!"

bluntly after a battle screams "I LOVE YOU!"

•No matter where you are he grabs you and pulls you somewhere where it can only be you and him
•He has a tight grip on you the whole time
•"I realized a while ago I loved you.I swear if you accept me I will forever protect you with my life."

•After awhile of thinking he decides to just man up and tell you
•"Hey um, I've never tried this hard to do anything so, I just wanted to say, I love you."

•Starts a normal conversation
Deep breath
•"I love you more than anything in this world."

•Deltha tells you before he even gets to tell you himself
•Decides he should be the one telling you himself
•"I love you, I am more interested in you than any magic spell in this realm."

•Celica gives him a pep talk along
•Nomah gives him advice from his many years of being alive
•The next day he asks if you want to help him cook
•When you come over he gives you a heart shaped cake that has two small red flower with icing that spells out "I love you"
•"It's meant for you I swear."

That is all the boys i have Other than Clive, Saber, Boey, Jesse, Atlas, and nomah but they're not here because either I see/they are in a relationship, or they're a bit too old, or I can't think of anything,and yes I don't have Zeke because Tobin killed him, and I killed deen and got Sonya, and mycen is just, a grandpa y'know.

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