Chapter one.

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I woke up early this morning. Even though I couldn't get any sleep last night.

"Eva!" My mom called from downstairs. I made my bed and tossed all of my pillows at the top, chuckling lightly thinking about how this was the last time doing so. "Eva!" She shouted once more. "I'm up!" I yelled back. The knot in my stomach slowly grew as I walked towards the bathroom. I started the shower and stripped from my clothes. I've been thinking about college my whole life and now I'm actually going. While all of my friends were out partying and having fun, my weekends were mostly spent studying and preparing for upcoming tests. The day my acceptance letter to the University of Southern California came I was ecstatic. I knew it was coming but I was still excited. To be fair, I was proud of myself. All of the time and dedication that I put into my school work paid off. And the fact that I live here anyway just makes it more perfect. I had thought about moving out of California for college but I decided against it. It's better to be around family.

As I wrap the towel around my wet body I hear my phone buzz. I look down and see that it's a text from my boyfriend Elijah. Me and Elijah have been in a relationship since my sophomore year and his freshman year of high school. His mother is friends with my mother and we met through them. I think the honest reason to why we clicked automatically is because we're so similar. He's incredibly intelligent and so smart. He's in a grade below me so it's been hard on the both of us but we're making it through. He's on his way over here now to ride with my mom and I to the University. I wish he could stay with me, especially since I won't know anyone there. I just hope I get a decent roommate. Decent as in up to my standards.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I went into my closet and grabbed the outfit that I had previously hung up for today. I have high hopes for college. I can meet new people, live in a new setting, and I can work with amazing professors.


"I'm coming down, mom!" I yell as I walk down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to find my mother making breakfast. "Did you sleep well sweetheart?" She asked with a wide smile on her face. "Yes." I chuckled sitting down at the table. I know that she's excited and all but it's kind of funny. When I told her that I got accepted she cried of course but I could tell that she was proud of me.

"Evana, your hair." She sighed disapprovingly at my appearance. She's right. I need to look presentable for today. I rushed to the bathroom and pulled my hair into a neat bun at the top. A couple minutes later the doorbell rung and I quickly went and opened it to reveal a well dressed Elijah. His normal attire of course. A light green polo shirt and khakis. "There's my college girl." He smiled revealing his perfectly lined teeth before pulling me into a gentle hug. "Hey." I smiled pulling away.

"Are you excited?" He asked as I closed the door. "Nervous mostly but yes I am." I chuckled. I am nervous but this is what I have been waiting for my entire life. I'm happy if anything.

"I will take these to the car." He said referring to the bags that I packed and placed down here last night. "Thank you." I smiled and with a quick kiss to the cheek, he disappears from the room.

The butterflies slowly make their way back in my stomach as I walk towards the car. This is really happening. I'm going to college. This is a new chapter to my life and I know that it will be great.

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