Chapter 5: Dates and desicions

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A/N: Hi, three people that actually read my story! XD

So here it is...fifth chapter! Hope you'll like it!

As you can probably see, I changed the name of the story...I think this one is much better. Cover made by one and only: UnicornFartxoxo! I hope I wrote your name right xd

The song on the side is Taylor Swift: Mean. I put that song because it has the same name as the story...and I love Taylor Swift! Song is great!

I also made a cast...I know Alex Pettyfer doesn't have green eyes but I imagine Tyler like him with green eyes XD And I put Anna Kendrick as Katie but Katie's eyes aren't blue but they're greenish-brownish-blueish color... this chapter, we meet two new characters! I'm planning on writing maybe thirty chapters of this story, by the way...and one of them is really important!

Vote and comment! It means a lot!

Jana <3


"Katie, hey!"

I was facing my locker, deeply thinking when Logan's voice startled me from behind. I jumped and let out a little yelp. Turning around I smiled. "Hi, Logan, what's up?"

It's been almost a week since he came to live with us and everyone already loves him. Nick, Lucas and him play videogames together almost every day while Chris and Logan discuss cars and motorbikes. Tyler, on the other hand, isn't really found of him. My explanation is that he is jealous of Logan's good looks and the fact that everybody, from nerds to populars, love him. Haha, take that Tyler!

Even Madeline, Mathea and Kimmy like Logan. When Mathea told him she dances, he asked her to teach him something and that immediately made Mathea fell in love with him. She loves to teach people dance but unfortunately no one likes that. Mathea is really strict teacher. Apparently, Logan is a perfect student because Mathea is always bragging how in no time he'll be the best dancer ever and she'll be famous because she thought him.

At Sunday the whole family and Logan had supper, that I and our cook Sandy made, together. My parents wanted to know everyhing about Logan's first day of school here and his first party. Friday night, Emily dragged Logan across the street to the Tyler's house. Apparently, party was a great sucess. Logan made some friends from the football team. He also got drunk. Just like Emily and Nick. Lucas dragged their drunken asses home and the next morning all three of them had massive hangovers.

I could see that Logan was surprised by my parents being so suportive about parties. Hell, if my mom could, she would drag me to the party herself. They're not really your typical parents.

"Can I sit with you today?" Logan's question brought me back from my thoughts. I looked at him in a surprise.

Today is Thursday and I thought he'll sit with Emily and Nick at lunch. Monday he sat with me, April, Gabby and Chris but at Tuesday he sat with 'the populars'. I would lie if I say it didn't stunk a little. Logan and I didn't spend really much time together but, from what I gathered, we have a lot in common. Yesterday, he sat with us again and I assumed he'll sit with Emily today.

I couldn't help a smile that crept onto my face. "That would be great", I said. He smiled.

I closed my locker and we started our way toward the cafeteria. When we entered, I immedaitealy spotted April and Gabby talking rather intensly at our usual table. Hmm...Wonder, what's that all about?

Logan and I took our food and started walking when Emily stepped in front of us. "Are you gonna sit with us today, Logan?" She asked, looking at the before mentioned boy.

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