Chapter 4: Partners, parties and telepathic conversations

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This chapter is dedicated to the person that commented my story and inspired me to continue writing it! Thank you<3

Chapter 4

When we finished with our lunch, Logan and I said goodbye to everybody and started our way toward Mr Fox's classroom. The rest of the lunch was pretty chill. Tyler's friends called him and he went to sit with them. My friends and Logan got along just fine. Chris and him shared the same love-the one for cars. April seemed to like Logan which is pretty surprising since she doesn't warm up to people very fast. Gabby was, of course, delighted when she found out that they have Biology together. I, on the other hand, found out that I have English, History and Art with Logan-all after lunch.

As we walked, people watched us with curiosity. They were probably wondering why does someone like Logan talks to someone like me. If they knew...

Mr Fox's classroom was almost empty when we finally arrived. Understandable, since we were early. I lead Logan in the back of the room where I was sitting. There was one empty seat left from me. On the right side of me sits Garrett, nerdy kid that I'm always talking to. He's pretty cool. He usually comes to class early but today he wasn't there. I wonder why...

Logan and I sat down and started chatting. I was telling him how an awesome teacher Mr Fox is, when the bell rang. Everyone scrambled to their seats and the lesson began. English is one of my favourite subjects. And not just because Mr Fox is only 27 and extremely hot. Though, it is part of it. And the fact that he's pretty chill teacher helps too.

Not even five minutes passed when the door are suddenly yanked open. Tyler came in looking like he owns the world. He saw me out of corner of his eyes and smirked but it was replaced with a frown when he saw Logan sitting next to me.

"Mr Worthington! What a pleasure it is to have you back. But, mind telling us why are you late?" Mr Fox asked with ever present smile on his face.

Tyler waved a pink slip in the air and said: "Coach needed to talk to me."

"Of course", Mr Fox nodded and gestured around the classroom,"pick an empty seat."

I scanned the classroom and immediately started to panic. The only available seats were the one in the front of the room and the one next to me. Please pick the other, please, please! God probably didn't hear my plea because the next thing I know is the smirking Tyler walking toward the back of the room- toward me. Hell no. "You can't sit here!" 

Tyler's smirk just widened as he towered above me. "Why not?"

"Yes, why not, Ms Hyland?" Mr Fox asked.

"Hmmm...because..he..hmm...", I stammered. I couldn't remember any reason why Tyler couldn't sit in Garrett's seat. I mean, America is a free country. Wait, Garrett. "This is Garrett's seat", I said pretty proud with myself. He can't sit in Garrett's seat. Right...?

Mr Fox raised an amused eyebrow. "Ms Hyland, where do you live?"

" Hmm..what?" I asked, glancing up at him with confused expression on my face. What the hell is he talking about? The rest of the class either snickered or looked around, probably trying to find Garrett as well. Tyler grinned and shock his head like he can't believe how stupid I am.

"Garrett moved last week", Mr Fox finally said. My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide.

"Moved?!" I asked with dumbfounded expression. Garrett moved and nobody told me? More important question, why did he move two weeks in a school year? Most important question: how did I not know that and, judging by his grin, Tyler did? He wasn't even on this continent and I have four classes with Garrett every day!

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