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fast forward to end of school (rip)

the bell rang and class had finally ended. i collected all my papers and books and stuffed it nicely into my bag before closing it and getting up from my desk. i went over to my locker to get my textbooks and notice that jinyoung doing the same.

he was an good student in my opinion. he studied often when i would go to the library but whenever he took tests, it didn't work out for him. i offered to help him because it somehow pained me to see what kind of grade he got despite all his effort, but he always declined politely, not wanting to waste my time on something that probably won't pay off in the end.

we made brief eye contact and it looked like he wanted to say something but jihoon came up to me.

" jiyoon-ah, do you need help? i'll carry those for you. "

he grabbed my textbooks and started walking out, meaning i was supposed to follow after him but i stood dumbfounded at what just happened. jihoon must've noticed i wasn't following either so he turned around and motioned to go to him.

i turned to jinyoung to see that he was staring at me the whole time and i had to admit i did feel something but i ignored him. i didn't know what that something was but i brushed it off, thinking it was nothing. hopefully it won't turn into something bigger later on.

it was awkward at this point that i tried- attempted to strike a conversation with jinyoung.

" did you want to say something? it looked like you wanted to say something. "
" no...it's uh fine... "

he stuttered and i knew that he still felt shy around him so i just said okay and smiled at him before leaving the room. but i swear i heard him say something, something like " i wish that was me " or something else but i didn't want to assume it was anything about what just happened so i didn't. i peeked into the classroom window while walking and saw that he looked upset.

that was all i thought about as i walked out of school.

majority of the people on campus had already left but i recognized this one person sitting on a bench. she wasn't in a uniform but instead in casual clothes.i told jihoon that i would meet him at the gates after i talked to her. i walked towards the figure and at that same time, the figure stood up and walked towards my direction. we were both walking towards each other before finally meeting. there was no verbal conversation but just looking into her eyes, i knew something wasn't good and i wanted to prepare myself for it.

" i know this is sudden and all but when my mom called me, i already knew what she was going to say. i hid it from you and jihoon for these past few months but i didn't want it to affect you or him, mostly you. i also couldn't bear to leave you in pain. i didn't know it would be today, out all days, especially since it's almost a week until your birthday. but i might as well say it now, the thing that i've been keeping from you is that....my family decided to move to the states, for my mom's job. we discussed as a family that it would be right to move on with what we think is best and that's how this whole thing happened. i'll be attending another school there but i don't really know how this is going to work... im sorry jiyoon... "

i collapsed onto the ground as i couldn't handle this sudden event. it was too much to process and the fact that my best friend will be moving away from me, knowing that i'll probably never see her again, just breaks my heart.

nikki bent down to help me back up but i ended up collapsing onto her because i didn't want her to go. although i couldn't see it, i knew she was crying because this goodbye was painful. i didn't want to let go of her but i knew i had to.

jihoon must've witnessed the sight of me crying because he came running towards me, setting my books on the ground, and engulfing me in a hug. he kept whispering that it was okay and i'll be fine. it wasn't the end of our friendship, but the beginning of a better one. i let out all my tears and realized that his uniform would be soaked with my tears but i didn't care.

i released myself from jihoon and went over to nikki. we looked at each other and i started to realize what
jihoon said was right. it wasn't the end of our friendship, so i told her to never forget me and always stay in contact. we both wiped our tears away and laughed, realizing how awkward it was to cry in the middle of school.

her parents called her and it was time for her to head to the airport. me and jihoon escorted her out of the school, as she took one last glance at the school she once attended.

" jihoon, make sure to take care of my best friend. if you don't, i will legit fly back to kill you. keep her safe too. "

" as for you ms.jiyoon, text me if jihoon doesn't do his job because he knows what's coming for him. "

" i'm heading off now, goodbye- i'll see you later. "

i kept waving until the car was out of sight and i sighed. it's been a long day and i'm really tired. i started walking towards the bus stop in an attempt to try and get some sleep on the bus, but jihoon insisted he gives me a piggyback ride. i declined at first but he stopped in front of me, bending down so i could get onto his back. he managed to carry his bag in his hands along with my textbooks, not struggling at all. little did i know, that i would doze off, forgetting what happened today, and enter dreamland.

should i write only in her pov or jinyoung's too? idunno

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