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november 9; late afternoon

i was now in my cousin's house, with nothing to do. while i was in her bedroom, she was in the kitchen preparing refreshments and snacks. if i had wanted to go home, no one would be there as always. Jisung was too busy with work nowadays that there were very few times that we had a decent discussion.

yomi came up to her room, carrying a tray. she settled it onto her desk and came to join me on the bed. regarding what jinyoung said, i still didn't have enough info on Sohee.

"uh,Yomi,i hate to ask again, but Kim Sohee, please tell me about her."
"Jiyoon, i thought i wouldn't have to worry about you bringing this up again. i guess not."

it took her a while to finally be able to talk with me about Sohee and i had finally gained some useful information. Sohee was a friend of mines, just like what Jinyoung said, but later passed away. there were no reasons as to why she did but all Yomi knew was that it all happened at Han River, late at night when her parents were asleep. they had not known about it until the morning when they noticed their daughter was missing.

one thing that really made me curious was, why did i not know any of this? if she had been a close friend of mines, why did i not bother to do anything before she had taken her own life?


nighttime had arrived fast and i knew i had to leave. the walk from her house to mines wasn't far, neither was it close. she offered to walk me home and i gladly accepted it, not wanting anything bad to happen.

i waited for her downstairs as she got ready to go out. i didn't bother to check my phone the whole time i was with her so i had the time now to do so. there were very few notifications, but of course, Jisung's text caught my attention.

"Eomma Jisung"
Where are you??

Chill,I'm @ Yomi's

"Eomma Jisung"
Jeez, don't scare me like that. I'm home already btw

Okay, I'm heading home now

as i took my attention off my phone, i saw Yomi coming downstairs. she collected her phone and keys and we both went out the door. it was chilly now and luckily i had brought a jacket today. there was silence filled between the both of us but i couldn't think of anything to say. i had already said everything i wanted earlier today, unless she had something to say to me.

we were almost at the footstep of my house when she suddenly brought up a topic.

"that Jinyoung boy,he seems suspicious."
"what do you mean?"
"not to sound real creepy or anything, but i've seen the way he looks at you whenever you're with Jihoon or with me. do you two have something going on or something?"
"no, he's dating Jihye or whatever, i don't know anymore."
"you sure he isn't doing that just to get your attention?"
"he isn't and i'm sure of it. goodnight."

i was laying in bed looking at the ceiling as the conversation kept replaying itself through my head. what if he is dating her just to get my attention? which could possibly lead to why Jinyoung told Jihye to " just go along with it." but it wouldn't make sense as to why he's doing this.

i occupied my mind with something else like homework or listening to music. i was enjoying my time jamming to my music when i heard a knock on my door. i turn around to see Jisung peeking his head inside. it felt like forever since i last saw him and it felt good to see him again.

"i ordered dinner. would you like to eat with me?"

pushing myself away from my desk, i got up from my chair, dusting off eraser shavings from my shorts. i arranged all my papers and books into one pile, placing my pencil and eraser into my pencil case, putting it into my bag. i grabbed my phone and took it with me downstairs.

just like with Yomi, there was a silence between us as we chewed our food, not wanting to disturb the other. now that he was more busy with work and i haven't been coming home early anymore, there were rarely any times like this.

"so Jiyoon, how is school?"
"it's okay, exams are over but i still have homework to do but i'm almost done with it. how's work?"
"it's alright. they gave me more shifts which is why i'm not home as often but today was the only day they let me off early."

just like before the conversation started, silence has once again appeared. it was a comfortable silence this time, as there was probably not much to say to each other. we made eye contact every now and then, trying not to make each other laugh before we choked on our food. it was the type of relationship we had.

minutes later, we had surprisingly finished eating at around the same time. i told him that i'll be taking out the trash today since i haven't done so in years. i tied up the rubbish bag and left the house to throw away the trash.

when i returned back to my room, i see a note on the desk reading,

"let's eat at my cafe tomorrow morning for breakfast :) - jisung"

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