Chapter Six

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Author's Note:

Yes, one of these again. I jsut wanted to say, thank you to all readers, your comments make my day. I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting so long with this chapter, but I've just been super busy! At least I had a real writing buzz tonight, so Chapter Seven is already underway. :) Enjoy!



I watched in silent agony as he strode away from me, cold and dispassionate. Where had the Finn I knew gone? I took a few deep breaths to steady my irregular breathing and calm the beating of my heart which was like a caged hummingbird in my chest. Then, I steeled myself and turned to go back inside the kitchen.

I was feeling light-headed as I sat back down opposite Kiara who exchanged a worried look with Veronica.

                            “Eva, your breakfast will go cold if you don’t eat it soon, dear,” Veronica said softly, looking at my scrambled eggs. Suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore. My argument with Finn had stolen my appetite, and the scrambled eggs, which had previously looked like heaven served up on a plate, now looked like about as tasty as a bowl of ash.

                            “I’m not hungry,” I murmured, pushing the plate away from me a little bit.

                            “Alright,” Kiara said, and she stood up taking all of our plates, Veronica and hers were scraped clean, mine barely touched, into a separate compartment of the kitchen-tent.

                            “Now, Eva, if you’re sure that you aren’t hungry, we have a meeting to go to,” Veronica said, standing up.

                            “With who?” I asked, my voice laced with curiosity. I didn’t know anyone here apart from Finn, who was treating me like a stranger, Veronica and Kiara.

                            “Commander Askove, my dear. Now, come along,”

I nodded in silent agreement and followed suit, stretching slightly as I did so.

                            “Eva? Are you guys going now?” Kiara said as she came back from wherever she had gone, this time without the plates, obviously she had left them behind. Her hands were dripping with water and soap suds were sliding down her fingertips.

                            “Yes, dear, you can come too if you like,” Veronica offered and I smiled in tacit agreement.

                            “Oh, okay. Where are we going?” Kiara chirped, happily walking alongside us as we made the journey through the maze of tents to Askove’s tent.

                            “Commander Askove has requested a meeting with Eva, dear,”

My stomach twisted when she said this, it sounded, well, ominous. An image sprung into my mind unbidden, Askove’s pale, lifeless eyes, laughing at me as he said;

                            “I’m sorry, Eva, but you have been discovered to be a traitor. We must kill you now,”

I shivered, but Veronica and Kiara hadn’t seemed to notice they continued talking happily. Just then, a thought struck me.

                            “Kiara,” I asked and she turned to me.


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