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BroTa - Sota x Brogan **)

(Sota's POV)

"Why does this have to happen? Why can't I just be in Nagano, where I belong? Why do I have to be here, in Canada, where I can't speak the language well and it's just cold all the time?" I vent to nobody as I pace down the path in the park, only being able to see two metres in front of my face because of the blackness.

I've only been here a week, and I already despise it.

The park is empty, I can tell, but still I moan aloud.

I miss Shoma and all my other friends.

People are telling me that this move is 'for the best,' but this is probably the worst thing I have ever done.

I'm not paying attention to where I'm going as I continue to stride, on the grass now.

(Brogan's POV)

Ugh, homework, finals, why do you exist?! All you cause me is stress. Even on my birthday.

I had to get away from it, if only for a mere half hour.

Earlier, I watched Sota Yamamoto's Youth Olympic Free Skate, his performances never fail to cheer me up on the very worst of days, but there's only so much watching off a laptop can do.

I'm still in the same room as the work.

So I left. To go to where I am now.

The park.

It's quiet, serene as I stroll through the space, safe in the knowledge that there's enough light from the streetlamps to keep me from being attacked by thugs. But they wouldn't dare to attack me. It's not even as if I have anything worth stealing on me, seeing as I left my phone back at my house.

As I walk across the dew-encrusted grass, I think about how happy Sota must've been when he won Youth Olympics. To be in Nathan's shadow for the entirety of the season up until that point, to finally win gold must have felt so sweet.

And then he had to go and mess up his fantastic shot at a Junior World title by breaking his leg.

Not his fault, but it was hugely upsetting for both him and his fans.

Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my daydream by an ear-piercing scream and cry for help.

For one thing, whoever the person is, they're not Canadian.

But by no means am I someone to ignore the needy, so I find myself rushing in the direction of the noise.

The sounds seem to be coming from one corner of the park, where there is nothing but the lake.

Either this person has gotten into a sticky situation involving the lake, or... well, I don't want to think about the other possibility.

Gathering up every ounce of courage, I quicken as the person sounds more desperate.

I break into the clearing, and the sounds of terror rise up from the lake.

Indeed, there's splashing as I see someone, a teenage boy, flail, calling for help.

He looks kind of familiar, not that I can see much in this light, but whatever.

He's stricken. I need to help him.

Without thinking further, I dive into the lake and grab the boy, fighting against the weak current and pulling him out of the water. It's absolutely freezing, but I don't care, because this could save his life.

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