Lucia Redre. 2:25 pm
Okay but like how obsessed do you have to be with some one to walk like ten miles with them? Jesus this boy would not stop following me until I got to the park and told him I was going to go pick up dog shit. Now I'm just thankful he wasn't desperate enough to help me.
      I stand on the side of the swing set watching all the annoying children scream in delight. No offense, but why do women feel the need to reproduce? I literally use like 3 different types of birth control because God knows what I would do if I ever got pregnant. Everything just fucking irritates me, especially children.
      Yells interrupt me from my thoughts. I hear them from behind so I turn around to find four people sitting on a tree. They're all very different, but I don't care once I see a pipe in some emo dude's hand.
"Oh hey guys," I smile nicely," do ya'll mind if I join?"
"Course not, come up!" an Asian smiles.
Thank destiny for having these people cross my path because right now I'm in need of some ganja. I climb up and sit next to a girl who looks extremely stingy and uptight.

"Well hello, I'm Luke. This is Calum, Michael, and Fabi." the blonde introduces them one by one.

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