Chapter 6

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Rhea took the left by the broken Angel Wood sign as instructed by Ezra's directions. She was somewhat oblivious to the reasoning of her summons, and to such a bizarre location so late at night. As she drove through the high street of West Barlow, she noticed the community had mostly retired for the evening, and continued her solitary journey to Ezra's location by the woods. Rhea was well aware that her boss had been busy working on something secretive of late, though he had no idea she knew he was hiding something. He'd been working on it with Symon for months, if not longer. And whatever it was, Rhea thought, must be hugely important.

Follow the dirt track to the slip road... She remembered. The old Haldale she drove was a gift from Ezra, so that she could travel back and forwards to Rastaban and continue helping with the running of the orphanage. The car chugged and spluttered as she swung off the dirt track onto a slip road covered in wiry reeds a foot high. The road led through an open metallic gate, and continued into the dense thicket beyond. What on Eridanus am I doing here, Ezra...? Rhea looked to the sky, disappointed that only starlight shone back. She sighed. Lunis...if you're up there, please make sure no one jumps me.

Angel Woods was a wild forest in one of the darkest areas of Barlow, as street-lighting ceased at the end of the town centre, and the only offering of visible light was from West Barlow Power Plant over the valley. The woods itself was visited infrequently because of its unmaintained dirt tracks and thick foliage.

The Haldane bounced relentlessly as it negotiated its way over broken rocks and thick clumps of wild plant. The blue headlight beam fought its way through the eerie landscape as the vehicle rocked, reflecting off something shiny on the side of the road ahead. Rhea slowed until she realised it was Ezra's van, and pulled alongside.

Leaving the engine running and the headlights on, Rhea exited the vehicle and opened the boot of the Haldane. She grabbed a hand lamp and clicked it on, relieved that it still had life in it. As she dropped the boot she heard a crunch from the trees to her left. She quickly swung the torch beam in the direction of the noise, heart racing. "Great Lunis scared me half to death!" She dropped the light from his face, clutching at her heart with her free hand.

"Sorry 'bout that get here okay?"

"Yeah...just about."

Ezra's herculean body leant over as he embraced her, hugging her tight with a huge arm. "It's a long way out here, but I thought I'd show you what I've been working on with Symon...instead of trying to explain. Might be easier..."

Rhea looked up at the Landana, his jet-black skin made him almost invisible in the darkness, and she could only just make out his rough mutton-chop beard. "It's okay."

" know I've been pretty occupied with a new project," he led her into the wood, a gentle wind whistling through the branches overhead. "And I've not been keeping things from you...but, some things are best kept quiet 'til the right moment." Rhea followed close behind, amazed that he was able to negotiate his way through the creepy blackness without a lamp. "Now, there's things me an' Sy have been putting in place, for something we've been planning for a long while-"

"Ezra," Rhea rolled her eyes, "just spit it out. There's nothing you can't say to me."

"Right, right, sorry kid," he inhaled a deep breath. "I've finally put the wheels in motion to stop President Malik once and for all."

"What?" Rhea blurted.

"Don't's not what it seems, is but, I'm not gonna tear him from his palace and assassinate him or anythin' daft like that. Just gonna cause him and his organisation a little bother, relieve him a little more of his inherited riches."

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