Chapter 28

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Logan and Ezra couldn't find a suitable vehicle in the village to transport them to the port, so they decided to travel on foot to Espartha. There was only one main southern road that led to the village, so Logan had hoped they would be able to wave down a passing vehicle for assistance. Although he was obviously struggling with blood loss and severe pain, Ezra marched quickly along the snow covered track, keeping pace with the healthier and fitter man that led the way. The rouge sun had dropped low in the early evening sky, casting a purple shadow across the land. The men breathed heavily carrying their equipment and battling with the cold, energy sapping winds battered them from all angles. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but the deserted road went on for eternity. Nothing existed between the two villages, not even a shelter for the men to rest for a moment.

"You okay, Ezra?" Logan tried to shield his face from the biting wind with an arm as he spoke.

"Never better kid." The big man was marching blindly with his fluffed hood covering his entire face. Logan knew that they had come too far to turn around, and he was beginning to wonder if they were going to make it to anywhere at all. It didn't matter though, they only had one option and that was to keep going until they made it to Espartha, or they would die in the snow trying.

"I think I can see the village just up ahead." Logan announced.

"Fuck you kid." The wounded man knew Logan was trying his best to keep his spirits up, but they both knew that he could see jack-shit up ahead. The village was nowhere to be seen, the snow track went on forever in an endless straight line. An occasional withered tree along the road broke up the land of white, but other than that, there were very little contours or changes in the landscape at all. "Just a sec Logan..." Ezra huffed and puffed as he dropped to a knee on the wet road surface, his head slumped down onto his chest, gasping for breath. His head bobbed up and down as he took a quick rest, recharging his will power.

Logan walked back to him and held out a hand. "When you're ready."

Ezra looked up and growled at the hand on offer, but he grabbed it tightly and pulled himself to his feet. Logan threw the big man's arm around his shoulder in an attempt to assist his efforts. "Jack-ass." Ezra cursed.


"Ha!" Ezra grimaced. "Good job it ain't you wounded, or I'd have dumped your spiky ass on the roadside."

"Maybe before you turned soft." Logan pointed out.

"What? Who you calling soft, pretty boy!" He launched Logan with what strength he had left into the middle of the road, who skidded briefly on his feet before losing his balance and landing on the slippery road. "I may be many things but soft ain't one of em!"

Logan pulled himself to his feet half a dozen yards in front of Ezra. "Yes you are. The Ezra I first met wouldn't be complaining about a scratch on his chest." He began slowly walking backwards as the great Landana came at him.

"I'll show you who's fucking soft you little punk, come here!" He broke into a slow run as he chased after the taunting man, breathing heavily. Logan kept up the pace, maintaining the safe distance between them. His plan had worked, and so far Ezra was too stubborn to see it. "I'll rip a gaping hole in your...fucking chest and see how you...fucking like it you cheeky little...punk-ass bitch!" He slowed to a walk, puffing and blowing out of his arse like he was about to collapse. They had made up almost a hundred yards of ground with their jog. Ezra stopped, he bent over and propped himself up with his hands resting on shaking thighs, gasping for air.

"Ezra look." Logan stood still, pointing into the distance as bright vehicle headlights were heading towards their direction.

Ezra twisted his head for a quick glance. "Pull them over Logan..."

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