• ✿ (13) ✿ •

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The Tower Plaza was decorated with the decorations that resembled of Halloween decor. The atmosphere was all dark, gloomy and spooky at the same time. The purple candles was everywhere. Banners were hoisted up and lanterns are strung across the beams.

It gave you a reminiscence of your childhood. You miss doing trick or treat with your best friends and families. If you don't do that, you would do a marathon of watching the old horror movies. Back when your parents was a kid in their life.

Your outfit was fully equipped with the latest shaders of the event. Your swords had a glint of a purple glow, just to match the Festival.

To them, its the Festival of the Lost. To you, its Halloween.

In a way.

The Guardians you walked by, had various and new masks. They were having fun with each other. Some are doing some kind of dance with their new mask, it brought smile back to your face.

Nevio was running out from the Tower Hangar. He quickly make a quick slide and greeted you. He was wearing the Ghost mask while his Ghost was wearing a small cloth underneath it. Acting as a shell.

"Happy Festival of the Lost, (Name)." He got up from his spot, brushing away the dust from his armour.

"Is that what's it call?" Nevio gave you a box of Ascendent Raisins. You thanked him to take a few bites of the delicacy.

"Yes." His Ghost flew towards you. "It's to celebrate the Lost and I'm not sure what to say about it but I'm happy about this Festival."

Nevio nod his head. His Ghost added, "If you excuse us, we have to go to meet up with Lord Shaxx." They make a quick farewell and leave you be.

You almost forgot what's your purpose on the Tower. On your feet, you walk down the stairs that lead its way to the Hall of Guardians.

A quick blur had rushed to you, you stagger backwards before said blur had to retreat. The blur was none other than your significant other, Cayde.

"Happy Festival of the Lost!" He cheered. His optics was surprisingly brighter than his usual lights. He was excited, like how a kid who had filled their bag with candies.

"And to you." You let out a small giggle as Cayde took your hand. He then dragged you to the Vanguard's table.

"Zavala, Ikora." You send them a wave. They had their own greetings due to their duties to their own Guardians.

Cayde continuously dragged you to his usual place. His Ghost gave its greetings to you while Cayde was searching for his pockets, for something. You raised an eyebrow to his Ghost and his Ghost flew towards you. He whispered, "He has a gift for you."

"Thanks for ruining it, buddy." Cayde took his Ghost away from you. "I told you it was a surprise gift. Emphasised on the surprise part." He held the Ghost with one hand as the other hand was hiding behind his back.

"Once a gift, always a gift." You leaned against the table, watching Cayde to stuttered. "Did I stutter?" You press more.

Cayde let his Ghost to be free and his hand that was hiding behind his back, he took it out and presented it to you.

It was a box that had wrapper all over it. You accepted his gift and take the wrapping paper out from the real gift that his underneath the paper.

It was a box of chocolate. Unchocolate.

You hugged the box close to your chest. "Thanks for the sweet, Cayde." He had gave you a hug and you wanted to give a token of your appreciation.

You step closer to him, leaning forward, you angled your head to his head and place a kiss onto his cheek.

It's Halloween and your treat was a box of chocolates. As for the trick, you and the Speaker had plans. You had a beaming smile that plastered onto your face as you hummed out of the room, leaving an overheated Cayde.

At the Tower North, you greeted the Speaker. "Hello there." The box of unchocolate was kept in your side pouch of your left thigh.

"Pleasant evening, isn't it?" The Speaker took a step back of his desk. His Ghost following his movements.

"Yeah, it is." You felt the Light coursing through your veins, it seems that the Traveler was excited for the plan that you and the Speaker concoct. "Ready?"

"I always am, Conduit."

• • ✿ • •

As night falls throughout the Earth, the Last City glistened with the Lights. All the Guardians are at the Tower Plaza, awaiting for something to happen. The Vanguards are patiently waiting for the appearance of you and the Speaker.

Speak of the Devil and he shall appear as the both of you make your grand entrance.

"Thank you for coming and without further ado," You raised your right hand and snap your fingers. In cue, the Traveler changed its colour from its usual to a soft purple hue.

This was the trick.

"Happy Festival of the Lost!" You shouted, earning cheers from the Guardians. The P. A. started to play songs that was suitable for the Festival.

Everyone was dancing around, some are at the food corner, happily chat with each other or just to enjoy the food.

Because you cooked them.

You felt arms circled around your waist as you stand next to the railing, pulling you closer to the owner of the arms. You leaned your back against their chest. "The night is beautiful."

"Just like you." Cayde leaned his chin on your head.

"What about you?" You want to punch his gut on how cheesy he did to the mood but you dont want. You leave it be.

"Me? I'm devilishly handsome."

You let out a hum. You couldn't argue with that. Sure he was handsome and had a magnificent attitude, you still love him.

He added. "And you're hauntingly beautiful."

• ✿ Bonus Chapter : Festival of the Lost ✿ •

Getaway Girl [cayde-6 x reader] (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now