Chapter 11 - Dangerous Skies

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Moonshadow felt something prodding his side.

"It's dawn," Stardust mewed, her amber eyes glowing in the cave's dim light.

Moonshadow blinked his eyes and slowly sat up, he looked around the cave where they had been resting but Dawnwing was nowhere in sight. Soon, spring would be nearing it's end and summer would begin. A moment later, there was a faint sound of wings flapping and Dawnwing landed near the cave entrance.

"I've scouted around the mountain area and I know where to go to next. We'll be going past an oak forest, and then we'll have to go through Snowie territory-"

Moonshadow interrupted Dawnwing, "Do we have to go through their territory? They have patrols and what happens if we get caught? I suggest we go around their territory instead, on the outskirts." He insisted.

"Oh really?" Dawnwing hooted in surprise. "Would you rather get eaten by a cougar then? I bet you didn't know about that because I went there when you started sleeping in with that arrogant excuse for an owl!" She snapped.

"Well I thought you said that you would journey down south," Moonshadow hooted with confusion. "Just leave Icefeather out of this for now."

"Okay, fine. After we get pass the Snowies we'll head straight north." Dawnwing finished. They all headed out of the cave and began to climb down the mountain.


Moonshadow and Dawnwing hopped over rocks and rough stones whilst Stardust leaped over crags and ledges. She seems happier today, Moonshadow felt relief washing over him, yesterday she was close to having a breakdown. The sight of seeing Stardust in misery tore his heart, he had felt helpless and unsure of what he could do to comfort Stardust the day before. Thanks to Dawnwing, Stardust felt much better and was back to her old self again.

"Listen Moonshadow, if we do bump into a Snowie patrol, I'll do the talking while you and Stardust stay quiet, alright?" Dawnwing offered.

"Sure but what if they recognise me?" Moonshadow hooted, he still didn't like the idea of trespassing.

"It doesn't matter if they recognise you or not," Dawnwing insisted. "At least we won't get eaten unlike your other suggestion of going through the outskirts which is even worse." 

Moonshadow sighed, I can't make Dawnwing change her mind; she's not the type of owl that is persuaded easily; once her mind's made up, she's not going back.

Suddenly, a harsh shriek sounded from high above them. Moonshadow looked up and saw a dark shape circling from above, it had a scratched eye and hooked talons. That eagle looks familiar, Moonshadow thought with suspicion. Then the eagle dived. It swooped down with lightning speed on to Stardust.

Moonshadow screeched and zoomed towards the eagle. Crashing into the eagle's side, Moonshadow managed to unbalance him. While the eagle recovered, Moonshadow dived and raked his talons on to the eagle's back. The eagle shrieked with fury.

"I remember who you are now, you're one of the scarred wolf's followers I've met before." Moonshadow hissed.

"And you're that owl who scratched my eye!" The eagle screeched.

Stardust watched with fright as Moonshadow and the eagle were locked together in a whirling, hovering, blur of flashing talons and sharp beaks. That's the eagle who trapped me before! It's Darkmoon. This must be what my parents warned me about, she thought. Moonshadow's wing injury isn't fully recovered and he might make the wound worse. Stardust spotted a sharp edged stone nearby. She picked it up with her teeth, aimed, and threw.


Moonshadow saw the sharp stone flying towards them. He flew swiftly out of the way. Darkmoon turned around and spotted the sharp stone too late. It hit Darkmoon and his body fell down,



landing far below them.

Moonshadow flew back towards Stardust and landed next to her. 

"Are you alright?" He asked anxiously.

"I'm okay." Stardust mewed with relief. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He replied.

Dawnwing rushed towards them. "Is everyone alright?"

"We're fine," Moonshadow answered.

"That was close! We better get away before more danger comes after us." Dawnwing hooted. They continued to climb down the mountain, jumped down the last ledge and they stood exhausted at the bottom of the mountain where there were a few scattered rocks and short green grass. Not far ahead, there was an oak forest. They took a small break before continuing their journey through the oak forest.


Moonshadow looked around him as they walked through the oak forest. The undergrowth was dense and thick with foliage. Bird song echoed around them and insects rustled on plants. This is the forest where I was born, Moonshadow remembered, my old home must be around here somewhere.

"Moonshadow?" Stardust mewed.


"Remember you told me that you were born in a oak forest? Is this the place?"

"Yes." Moonshadow hooted. "Stardust, I don't think I told you my whole story yet, did I?"

"No." Stardust replied. "You didn't tell me about the Snowie you met when you were out hunting."

"Oh, I'll tell you later then."

They crossed a small stream that marked the old border between what used to be the Tribe of the Oak woods's territory. 

I can't believe that the scarred wolf managed to kill so many, Moonshadow sighed, I hope that someone or something can stop him soon. He remembered Dawnwing telling him about a prophecy some day ago; "The Star and the Moon will save everyone." Dawnwing didn't know what the prophecy meant and neither did he. 

I wonder who foretold the prophecy in the first place? Moonshadow wondered.

It started to rain a bit so they decided to rest under a large oak, its thick branches sprouted with leaves which sheltered them from the rain. After the rain stopped, they continued to journey again.


Night was beginning to fall, the oak forest grew darker and the fireflies fluttered in small groups. They were nearing the Snowie's border but Stardust was exhausted and Moonshadow was still reluctant to trespass.

"Do we have to, Dawnwing?" Moonshadow protested.

"Yes we do, I told you before Moonshadow that there's nothing for you to worry about and I'll do the talking."

"Dawnwing, I'm tired." Stardust yawned. "Can we rest? Please?"

"We're nearly there." Dawnwing hooted. "We'll rest after we finish crossing their territory."

"But Dawnwing?" Stardust and Moonshadow complained in unision.

"Fine!" Dawnwing sighed. "Fine, we'll rest here but we're still going to cross over the Snowie's territory first thing tomorrow morning." She looked hard at Moonshadow.

"Fine," Moonshadow replied wearily.

"Good." Dawnwing huffed. I can't stand it when someone complains, or whines, or wails, Dawnwing thought crossly to herself. But I'm just really worried that we'll get attacked again like this morning. The memory of the eagle was still fresh in Dawnwing's mind. At least we won't be meeting him again, she thought with relief.

They all settled down under an oak tree and slept.

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