Part 2: The Sword of a Captain

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"Why keep your beautiful prize locked up?" She questioned him..

"Why not? I get to see this prize whenever I want." He grins at her.

"What a selfish man, Jack Sparrow." She shakes her head slowly at him, biting into a berry.

"Captain, love. Captain" He corrects her for what seems to be the 100th time.

"Captain, yes. That is what you'd like me to call you isn't it? Longing for power i see." She smirks on her own, moving her hand from her lap to his leg. "I sincerely apologize." She batted her eyes, seemingly playing his game.

"Apology accepted," he whispered to her, feeling where her hand is going with his keen senses.

She does find what she's looking for— the sword of Jack Sparrow, but a little too late. Jack always has the upper hand, for his senses never deceive him. He pulls his sword from its protector and points it at the fair lady. "Now, love if you are going to sneak up on me like that always be ready for the challenge." He smiles a cheeky smile.

"Who said i wasn't?" She snaps back, feeling confident. If she was such a prize, why would he dare hurt her?

"I seem to be the one with the upper hand here dearie— up." He stands up now walking toward her so they face each other as if to duel, yet she has no weapon.

"But Jack— you'd never damage your prize. You are a greedy pirate I assume." She smiles and puts her finger on the blade of the sword, feeling it's sharp edge dig into her finger— but not piercing flesh. "You could kill me right now if you wanted, because I will keep fighting, until you let me go."

He points the sword at her neck, as if he were to stab her.

She backs up to the wall, as the blade of his sword hits her throat— not yet piercing skin. "Then i should just kill you now, hmm?" His eyes turn black, cold. But she wasn't frightened.

"You've kept me alive for this long, why end it?" She says back in a whisper.

He smiles, "never underestimate a pirate love." He caresses her cheek with his thumb and puts the sword away. "I fancy keeping you alive, don't do anything stupid."

The fear in her eyes was apparent, but his rugged touch didn't feel so awful. She closed her eyes, and shifted her head to the side with no expression on her face at all.

He smiled at her, "I don't plan on hurting you." He lifted her head, and she opened her eyes when she felt he was closer to her than she remembered last time her eyes were open. "I actually quite like you. I did save your life."

"And how could i ever repay you, Jack?" She whispered in a sarcastic tone.

"Hm, I'm thinking of a few ways—" he cut himself off, and saw her expression change. Her stomach dropped in a nervous way.

He smiled, "like i said i have no intention on hurting you, don't worry dearie." He backed away from her and sat back down at his side of the table. Although, she wouldn't have minded staying so close to him for a few moments longer.

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