To Define Love (Lesbian Story) Ch. 10

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Who liked that last chapter :P?

Jenna's Point Of View:

Chapter Ten:

I'll Follow You Into The Dark

I woke up randomly to the sounds of her gentle heartbeat. I sat up quickly and shivered. Note to self. Never do this again without a tent. I threw a big blanket over me and looked over the hillside where the snow had just fallen; I guess we were lucky enough to not get snowed on last night. I looked down to the blonde girl cuddled up against me with a huge blanket wrapped around her. I felt a smile touch my eyes then. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She was awake.

"Mm... good morning." She sounded like she's been awake for a while. I looked down at her, amused.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked her. She tilted her head up towards me and smirked.

"Oh, long enough." I blushed. She knew I was watching her. I was caught. Oh well, I don't care. 'You're a creep, watching her sleep.' Oh... my god... I thought you died! 'What?! Hell no. I'd never miss that sweet ass!' Oh sweet lord get away! 'Hey... you're the one having these thoughts!' I need meds. My thoughts were broken when I felt her move behind me and rest her chin on my shoulder. I smiled warmly and leaned back into the embrace.

"What's on your mind?" She asked me as she snuck her arms around the inside of my blanket. I turned my head to look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Uh, just some random stuff. What about you?" She bit her lip and pulled back a little.

"Jenna, we're in a relationship right?" That caught me off guard. I could feel my eyebrows connect as I looked at her. I turned in her arms and gave her my full attention.

"Well... you did say yes last night right?"

"Yeah, I did, but that's not what I'm getting at here." She said as she moved her hands to my face. I closed my eyes and sighed. I was in heaven right now, her hands touching me felt like I was on fire.

"Well, then I'm not sure I follow you." I said honestly. She smiled her infamous crooked smile. God I was going to die right then and there.

"Love, I know there's a lot on your mind. I want you to share them with me... That's what couples do ya?" She said as she leaned in and kissed my cheek. She was right. But what was I suppose to tell her? *Oh Hey Laura, sometimes I talk to myself and argue with my more perverted side! How are you?* Yeah ahaha... no.

"Oh, I know. But Laura, you've known me for a few months now right? I just keep my thoughts to myself."

"I noticed. However, I don't. I'll tell you whatever I'm thinking for the most part. I want you to tell me what you're thinking." At the moment I was checking my cell for the time. She watched as my face dropped tremendously. "What?" She asked as she moved closer to me. I turned the phone towards her and saw her face look probably as horrified as mine was.

It was Sunday, One P.M.

"Shit! Laura we're so screwed!" I shouted as we both sprung to our feet to get dressed.

"Ugh I know! What are we going to tell our parents?" She asked panicked. I started to laugh at this horrible moment we were now in. She stopped putting her shirt on to gawk at me.

"You have to admit, this is rather funny for two girls to be worrying about this. We're not a boy and girl." I continued to laugh as she stared at me in astonishment.

"Oh my god, Jenna. Collect yourself and help me carry this to the car!" Ok she was panicked to high hell. I sighed and put the rest of my clothes on and grabbed some shit together and bundled it all into the basket. She was carrying the pillows down to the car when I heard a scream. I nearly dropped everything as I ran over the hillside to see what happened. There in front of us was a wall of snow. Like, literally A WALL of snow.

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