To Define Love (Lesbian Story) Ch. 15

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I'm really angry, so i thought, why not post a chapter for my fans? lol

It's Short, i know. But i'll post another ok? :P

Laura's Point Of View:

Chapter Fifteen:

......Did that just happen?

'Alright breathe, it's ok nothing's wrong we're do-.'

"Laura! Watch out!" My father's voice felt like it was drilling into my eardrum as if he was trying to squirm his way inside. I slammed on the breaks while the both of us jerked forward. I was turning 17 in a matter of days now and I still couldn't get this driving thing down... I looked over and saw the vein in my dad's neck sticking out for the 5th time today.

"Why don't you let me drive huh monkey?" I looked ahead of me and noted two cars drove away furiously while they honked and probably were shouting to themselves. I grinded my teeth together in annoyance with myself. Why couldn't I do the simplest of things?

"Dad, please? My birthday is coming up this tuesday. I want to be able to drive places. I'm tired of always asking you or mom to take me to the mall or Jenna's house. I'm tired of having to take the bus to gym meets. You don't understand probably because you never had a problem with driving. I want to be able to drive the car you got me for my birthday." I explained to him. At first I think he was sympathetic, until about the very end...

"Who said I was getting you a car?" He strained his voice trying to sound so composed. Not working on me there old man...

"Eric told me. So are we going to continue? There are 2 cars behind me honking." I was praying to myself that he'd say yes. He instructed me to pull off to the side and put it in break.

"Maybe tomorrow alright?" He unbuckled his seat belt and opened his door. I think my spirit was all about crushed for the day. Maybe even the entire week. I followed suit and stepped out of the car. I was about to walk around when a car pulled up behind us and honked. I looked over and smiled as I noted who's car it was, but frowned when I saw who was with her.

"Laura! How's the test driving going?" Jenna asked when she stepped out. Lily stepped out of the passenger side and stood next to her. I cringed as I noticed the connection they were already refiring. 'Fuck...'

"Not so good... what's up with you two?" I asked as I waved my dad that It was alright for him to leave. Jenna raised her eyebrow towards me and leaned against the hood of her car.

"We were about to grab some dinner. Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day. I passed by you in the hallway but you just kept going." Jenna's voice trailed off as Lily made a side comment.

"Oh! Did Jenna tell you that I'm starting school with you guys next year?" It was my turn for a shocked expression.

"Uh, no I'm going to have to say she didn't. That's awesome congratulations." I turned to start walking back home, which is only down the intersection, when Jenna grasped my attention.

"You know, you can come with us? We can teach you to drive also." I was bummed and now I felt a little semi better, sorta. I turned around with a half smile on my face.

"No, it's alright. You two have fun, I think I'm just going to go home and do some homework."

"It's Friday night Laura! Let's hang out. Come on get in and we'll help you figure out this driving shit." Lily's voice rung in my ears. I continued to walk till I forcibly turned around. I was staring back at emerald eyes.

"This isn't about the break up... right?" My heart stopped for a moment. I looked over her shoulder and saw Lily smiling at me. I looked back down with a confused expression.

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