4| Greet and Weep

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Once everyone got in the dining room Captain Sparklez started to introduce everybody.

"Here let me introduce you all properly," Captain Sparklez said as they finished entering the dining room. "You guys already met (Your YouTube Channel Name), Cassie Rose and LDShadowLady."

"But my friends call me 'Lizzie'." Lizzie added.

"This is StacyPlays, Stampy Cat, and that's Dan 'The Diamond Minecart'," Sparklez continued gesturing to them as their names were called.

"When did your hair change color? Wasn't it...?" Petra asked Dan, noticing his hair was light blue instead of being brown like a few minutes ago before being interrupted by Sparklez.

?" Petra asked Dan, noticing his hair was light blue instead of being brown like a few minutes ago before being interrupted by Sparklez

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"It's funny. Before you guys showed up... we all knew each other here. They're the Order of the Stone - Jesse, Petra, Lukas, and Ivor," Sparklez said gesturing to the heroes as he called their names. "Apparently, they're famous heroes where they come from."

"You said there was news? Is it good? Good news?" Dan asked.

"Ah about that. It's um... bad news, I'm afraid," replied (Y/n).

"TorqueDawg... is dead," Sparklez finished.

"Good heavens," said Stampy.

"Oh no," said Cassie.

"Wait, what?" replied Dan in shock.

"But TorqueDawg was so tough... There was nothing that could take him down! What happened?!" asked Stacy.

"Yeah... What on earth is going on here, Sparklez?" Dan asked.

"These are what got him," Jesse replied showing the group the poison-tipped arrow.

"Tipped arrows?" asked Lizzie.

"Does that mean someone set a trap for TorqueDawg? That's nasty," Stacy implied.

"I can't believe TorqueDawg's gone! Just like that!" Dan said while sitting down.

"So... what happened to his stuff?" asked Stacy.

"Whoa! How can you say that?!" Cassie asked in shock.

"What? It's a valid question!" defended Stacy.

"Whoa," stated Petra.

"Come on everyone, come on. Don't get greedy!" Stampy said getting in the middle.

"Just... I want to know what happened. For curiosity's sake," Stacy defended once more.

"His stuff just disappeared. Went down this weird hole in the floor," Jesse answered.

"Are we just supposed to take your word for that?" Stampy said.

"Guys listen what's Jesse's saying is true - She was poking around in TorqueDawg's stuff right before it got sucked in a hopper, and I should know... I was there," (Y/n) defended.

"So, I'm looking at this situation and I'm trying to figure something out... Is this just about TorqueDawg? Or is there a bigger picture?" Lukas wondered.

"Yeah. Why have our portraits?" Petra agreed.

 Why have our portraits?" Petra agreed

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"I dunno guys. Knowing TorqueDawg I think this might just be about him," Lizzie said.

"Agreed," replied (Y/n) folding her arms.

"Am I picking up some beef here?" Petra asked.

"Uh what? No! I don't know what you're talking about," exclaimed Lizzie.

"Same here," defend (Y/n).

"What, like you two think he deserved it?" Jesse asked the pair.

"Well that sounds pretty harsh, but, I don't know maybe?" replied (Y/n).

"Well, someone brought us all here for some reason. Including TorqueDawg," Lizzie said breaking the awkward silence while pulling out her invitation.

"What if we're all in danger?" asked Dan getting up from the chair.

"Ohmygosh. Dan's right," Stacy exclaimed.

"Whoever's doing this... they could be hunting us!" added Stampy.

"Hunting us?!" Lizzie said with fear.

"Hey, come on everyone. If there's one thing I believe in, it's teamwork. If we all stick together and get through this as a team, we'll be fine!" Jesse stated.

"Ha. Inspiring," Dan replied.

"There you go, guys! Teamwork makes the dream work!" exclaimed Sparklez.

"Wow," Ivor replied and was the only reply from that line.

"Ooh all of this 'danger' talk has my stomach all queasy," Stampy said turning away from the group.

"Ooh all of this 'danger' talk has my stomach all queasy," Stampy said turning away from the group

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"Stampy, come over here... I need to talk to you about something," Stacy told Stampy basically whispering that last part. With that, the pair walked over to the fireplace.

"Lizzie. (Y/n). Psst. Lizzie. (Y/n)," Dan whispered to them from his chair. Both girls walked over to him. Lizzie sitting next to Dan and (Y/n) sitting across the table facing Lizzie.

Cassie and Sparklez sat at the other end of the table together.

"The more I think about it, the more I think that there's something these people really don't want us to know...," Ivor said.

"One of them's gotta know the truth about what's going on here," Petra stated.

"It'd be nice to figure what's going on... especially if we're going to be stuck with these people until dawn," Lukas said as he and his friends started walking towards the middle window in the room.

"I say we talk to everyone and gain their trust," Jesse suggested as they came to a stop.

"Yeah. Good luck with that," Petra stated.

After exchanging a few glances with each other, Lukas spoke up. "Let's get investigating then."

Minecraft YouTuber Mode: A Portal To Mystery [Ep.1]Where stories live. Discover now