20| The Explanation

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"Boy you gave us a fright!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"What are you doing down here?!" asked Stampy

"What are WE doing down here?" exclaimed Petra.

"Yes! It looks terribly suspicious you know!" Stampy responded.

"Looks like we're catching you in the act, White Pumpkin!" Jesse said drawing out her sword

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"Looks like we're catching you in the act, White Pumpkin!" Jesse said drawing out her sword.

"Looks like we're catching you in the act, White Pumpkin!" Jesse said drawing out her sword

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"Noo! No not me! That's not me! Me and (Y/n) were just curious!" defended Stampy/

"Like, seriously Jesse. Out of EVERYONE here, you now think STAMPY did it!" (Y/n) added, "Get your facts together please!"

"Come on, you guys, like (Y/n) said, I *can't* be the White Pumpkin!" Stampy said as he and (Y/n) made their way by Petra and Jesse, "I'm StampyCat! I'm no... murderer!"

That's when it started to thunder a bit as (Y/n) and Stampy stopped in front of the growing station.

"Huh," (Y/n) responded to the thunder looking at the dirt ceiling for a moment.

"We needed to find you because I have something important to tell you!" explained Stampy.

Jesse then put away her sword. Petra and Jesse walked over to Stampy and (Y/n) to hear what they were going to say better.

 Petra and Jesse walked over to Stampy and (Y/n) to hear what they were going to say better

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"I have something to confess. Something I haven't told ANYONE," Stampy said.

"Well it certainly seems like (Y/n) knew," Petra interrupted.

"Hold it, hold it! In MY defense he literally told me a few minutes ago," (Y/n) defended.

"Ok fine, but... where is THIS going?" asked Petra.

Stampy looked at (Y/n) and then she nodded in reassurance

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Stampy looked at (Y/n) and then she nodded in reassurance. After a bit of a pause Stampy took out another Enchanted Flint and Steel, but with a green glow.

"Nnnn I stole it from Dan and it was just supposed to be a joke," Stampy said, "a harmless prank, but then, well, you've seen what happened!"

"Wow. Who'da thought," Petra said.

"I know right, I couldn't believe it either," (Y/n) responded.

"I knew people wanted it, but I had no idea that, that, that THIS would happen!" Stampy exclaimed.

"Well, why didn't you tell anyone... well besides (Y/n)?!" Jesse said.

"I was scared, ok! People started dying and... I didn't want them to think that I did it!" Stampy responded, "I may be a thief, but I'm no killer! But that White Pumpkin IS. And he's killing people for it! And now we're down in his lair!"

Stampy then turned around walked to an armor stand with a White Pumpkin.

Stampy then turned around walked to an armor stand with a White Pumpkin

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"I was thinking... Maybe I should just give it to the White Pumpkin," Stampy finished.

"What?" Petra said.

"Just. Maybe that would make it all stop, right? Maybe?" Stampy said walking over to them.

"I don't know," replied (Y/n).

"I think you should give it back to Dan. It's only fair," Jesse answered.

"I like that idea, cause technically it is his," (Y/n) said.

"Yeah... Yeah you're right that's better," Stampy responded.

That's when the four of them started walking further down and then they were met by a double iron door.

That's when the four of them started walking further down and then they were met by a double iron door

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"That looks like a "lair door" if I ever saw one," (Y/n) said as they came to a stop.

Jesse then pulled the lever, the iron doors then opened. Jesse, Petra, and (Y/n) pulled out their swords as they walked in.

Minecraft YouTuber Mode: A Portal To Mystery [Ep.1]Where stories live. Discover now