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Stampy, Stacy, (Y/n), and Dan left the entrance of the secret passageway. (Y/n) noticed something that shouldn't be shocking anymore. She quickly walked over the front door of the living room.

"Um guys...." (Y/n) said.

"What is it (Y/n)?" asked Dan.

"I know this shouldn't come as a shock anymore.... But look!" (Y/n) finished pointing at Lizzie's painting.

The other three YouTubers walked over to where their friend was standing. That's when they saw that Lizzie's portrait now had a red X over it.

"Oh, right. I still can't believe Lizzie is really gone," said Stacy.

"Well, for what it counts, I like to think she's still with us," Stampy replied.

"To bad that there isn't a way for people... like us, to like, I don't know....respawn," said Dan.

"Yeah, but how... from like a bed or something?" suggested (Y/n) turning around to face them.

"Now that's just crazy talk," said Stampy.

"Yeah, you're right. Like that actually would happen," replied (Y/n) giggling a bit.

The four of them then walked over to the couches and sat down to pounder. Dan and Stampy were sitting where they were before and the two girls sat across from them. Stacy, in front of Dan and (Y/n), sat in front of Stampy.

"Hey guys, do you think we were... a little hard on Jesse and Petra?" Stacy suggested.

"Maybe a tiny bit," Dan said.

"They were just trying to help," (Y/n) said.

"Well even if we were, that doesn't change what has happened. Unless we know for sure Lukas isn't the White Pumpkin, I think we have nothing to be ashamed for," Stampy said.

"This 'White Pumpkin' business has just brought out the worst in us I bet. So I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with you on that one Stampy. We meant what we said," (Y/n) stated.

"I guess that makes sense," Stacy finished.

Dan and Stacy stayed where they were sitting, while Stampy and (Y/n) got up to look at some of the paintings in the room. That's when (Y/n) noticed Stampy sneaking into the secret passageway.

"What in the world," (Y/n) said.

(Y/n) decided to follow Stampy. She got in the room just in time to see him go down a ladder. (Y/n) continues to follow him down the ladder. Once she was down she spoke up.

"What do you think you're doing?" (Y/n) asked him with her hands on her hips.

Stampy jumped back a bit from being startled and turned to face her.

"Oh, um (Y/n). You're not supposed to be here," Stampy said.

"Last time I checked you're not either. What's going on here?" (Y/n) asked.

"Ok, look first off I am NOT the White Pumpkin. For you to fully understand I have to show you something,"

"What is it?" questioned (Y/n)

Stampy then took out another Enchanted Flint and Steel, but with a green glow.

"Stampy you're the one who stole it from Dan!" (Y/n) said in shock, "I knew it!"

"It was supposed to just be jo- wait what?" Stampy said.

"I remembered how much you wanted to prank Dan, so I assumed that's how'll you'd do it," (Y/n) said, "But that still doesn't explain what in the world of cookies you're doing down here!"

Minecraft YouTuber Mode: A Portal To Mystery [Ep.1]Where stories live. Discover now