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‘’Well that was alright.’’ I doubtfully averred and they nodded in conformity. We all got out of the Screen 4 and the six said that they’re going to the washroom little did they know that I know what they meant by ‘washroom’?

‘’Jesus Christ…’’ I cried when I bumped into someone. I look at him and he has a little sneer on his face. It was the guy behind the counter and without more ado my face turned red.

‘’Sorry… again.’’ He chuckled and I smiled.

‘’It’s fine and by the way I’m sorry about earlier.’’ I chuckled in embarrassment and he did too. I sat down on one of the chair and huff out a breath.

‘’Don’t worry and I understand you. I suppose being in a relationship isn’t really that enlivening at all.’’ He frown and sat next to me.

‘’Yup, I mean sure you’ll find happiness with the perfect person but the thing is there isn’t any perfect person in this world.’’ I blabbed and he nodded.

‘’Spot on right there.’’ He said and I chortle.

‘’Ever had a girlfriend before?’’ I asked and virtually slap myself for asking such stupid question. Indubitably he had girlfriend before.

‘’Yup and didn’t went well.’’

‘’Same story as mine.’’ I said and he nodded then a dreadful tongue-tied silence fell in both of us and there’s merely five people around here and my friends aren’t back yet. I look at the time and its quarter past eleven at night, means I have to go home before twelve. I need to be there before my parents gets back from their date.

‘’I should probably go now.’’ I told him standing up and he did too.

‘’Uh yeah, sure…Do you need a lift or something?’’ He asked and I blushed.

‘’No, no, thanks for the offer though walking wouldn’t hurt.’’ I assured him and he shook his head.

‘’Are you sure? I could give you a lift, I don’t mind.’’ He said and I smiled at him.

‘’Thanks but I’ll walk.’’ Smiling at him and he smiled back. ‘’And in fact you’re still working so I don’t want you to get fired because of me.’’ I said cutting him off on whatever he was going to say. He nodded and I walk out of the cinema and was greeted by the chilly night.

As I keep walking for at least five minutes now, I hugged myself tighter. How clever of me for not bringing a jacket. I keep walking and heard a honk, I stopped walking and look at the car confusedly as I never recognised this car before.

‘’Hop in.’’ He said and opened the passenger door. I smiled and hop in his car

‘’Thanks.’’ I said and he drive away.

‘’So where do you live here?’’ He asked. As soon as we entered my street

‘’Oh I live in the very far end.’’ I said and he nodded.

‘’I thought you have your friends with you.’’ He spoken and I bit my lip.

‘’Well you know they’re with their boyfriends so..’’ I said and he nodded. We arrived outside my house and surprisingly my parents aren't back yet.

"Thanks for the ride..."I trailed off and he nodded. 

" It's fine." he smiled and I did too. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door.

"I'll see you around. " he said and I nodded. 

" Sure." I said and run inside my house.  I leaned on my door and sigh.  I didn't even get a chance to ask for his name...

" Well, twenty minutes spare not bad." I jumped when I heard my mom's voice echoed thru the hallway.

" What? I mean but. ..what?" I asked and she chuckled. 

" Your dad needs to be in hospital for emergency so he dropped me off,so who's the guy? "She asked and I could have sworn that my eyes went bigger and my jaw disconnected to my face. 

" What guy?There isn't any guy."I blabber and she chuckled. 

" Don't be silly,  Al I saw it. He dropped you and?"

"What?  Mom no, oh my gosh no. He isn't my boyfriend. Bloody hell, I just broke up with the last. Jesus Christ. " I said using foul language but she wouldn't care anyway because that's how we communicate in this house. 

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