(3) I won't give up

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"So this girl?" Jordan asked. I have been telling them about the girl from last night at the cinema. I didn't even get a chance to ask for her name but I knew where she lives-which is pretty creepy. .

"Yeah?" I unsurely said.

"You know where she lives but doesn't know her name? Dude that's pretty creepy. "

"You think I don't know about that?" I asked looking at him and Gerrard. "Trust me, I know and I'm sweating right now."

"What have you seen to this girl that Megan hasn't got?" Gerrard asked and I sigh.

"This girl is somewhat different to Megan. Megan is.... "I let the sentence hang low because I don't know what else to say about Megan. Megan is my ex-girlfriend and now she wanted us to get back together. So technically Megan and I are in on and off relationship. I break up with her because she was cheating and the routines keeps going after our ten break ups for five months. I'm too stupid to even let her back in, sure she was hot as hell with her piercing blue eyes, an hour glass figure, light neutral skin colour and amazing full pink lips-those features of hers got me under her spell that she can even got me do things within a heartbeat with no questions insist.

"Well, we have serious problem here. You don't know nothing about her, brother." Jordan told me and I sigh.

"I know. ..."

"Unless you activate Stalking James on." Gerrard kidded and we three chuckled. Good thing it was Saturday; no homework and no work for today and the rest of the weekends.

"Maybe she goes to our school?" Gerrard supposed and I shook my head side - to - side.

"Nope, because I haven't seen her around our school and her friends are quite aliens to me." I shrugged and they nodded.

"Did you catch anyone's name? "Jordan asked. I thought about it before answering and I think I caught someone's name.

"Priscilla, have I left my makeup kit on your place?"

"Priscilla?" I said unsurely and the two nodded.

"I know a Priscilla from SPCA which is eleven minutes away, if I'm not mistaken." Jordan said. "Describe her to me then."

"She's quite tall, redhead, has a mole on her middle cheeks and an hourglass body shape." I told him

"Yup, Priscilla Moore." Jordan confirmed.

"How do you know her?" Gerrard asked.

"She lives on my street. That girl is a babe. " Jordan said and we all chuckled. "Well if she hangs out with Priscilla then I must have saw this girl before because Priscilla and her cliques are always at her house every Saturday. "He said and I nodded.

"Should we make a move then?" Gerrard asked.

"It's risky I mean come on, she might thought that I'm stalking her." I said.

"Think about good things that might happen, James. Think about it, James." Jordan said and I nodded.

"But wouldn't be that a little creepy? I mean I saw her last night at the cinema and then I would just accidentally bumped into her in your street? She'd think I'm a freak. "I told them.

"Good point or we can just go to my house and spy her." Jordan offered.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I hissed.

"You're not going to die if you saw her again, let's just say that it was destiny who's bringing you and her together."

"Well...."I hissed again.

"Come on before we missed them. "And we three stood up and exit on the other door and I heard the entrance door opened and I brushed it off. I'm on the mission to find Cinderella- my Cinderella.


"So?" I asked in anticipation. Jordan keeps looking at his window and I see no sign of her and her friends.

"No sign. "He said and I groaned. I have a bad feelings that they left and maybe even went somewhere else.

"Oh shiii." he said and I rush over to him.

"Anything?" I asked.

"No, Priscilla's car isn't there so maybe they left. Sorry bro." he said patting my shoulder and I nearly punch him. I groaned and run my hand on my hair, seems like Cinderella is playing hide and seek and I seems to be suck at this game considering that I couldn't find her in every corner. But I know one thing; I won't give up on finding her.

Finding CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now