Chapter 12

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I'm gonna put the cast if you guys think it's better if you don't agree with the cast you can totoally imagine whoever you want to :)

Tom Felton as Travis

Jessica lowndes as Olivia

Bella Thorne as Danielle

Jussie smollett as Sebastian

Logan lerman as Adam

Ruby rose as Katherine

Katherine Langford as Jessica

Song : air by Jordin  sparks ft Chris brown

  " tell me how I'm supposed to breathe without air ?
Can't live, can't breathe without air
That's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air "


Tom's POV:

I woke up feeling like my head is gonna explode, I looked around and noticed that this isn't our hotel room, I turned around to find Harrison asleep next to me.

I tried to remember the events of
Last night and how we ended up in this room but no avail, I got up to get a cup of water and search for
Some aspirin because my head is gonna split In two.god I hate hangovers.

The house was scattered with half
Naked people sleeping everywhere I literally had to jump just to avoid stepping on anybody to get to the kitchen, I found some aspirin and got a cup of water and went back to the room.

Harrison was still asleep and I couldn't just leave him behind so I started shaking him until he woke up.

" come on man wake up we have to leave"

" yeah just give me sec " he said yawning.

" why did we sleep here anyway? Why didn't we just go back to the hotel room?" I asked while gulping water.

He narrowed his eyes at me " you don't remember what happened last night ?"

"No, why? Please tell me I didn't do something dumb "

" no you didn't just forget it "

"But that doesn't explain- "

" just forget it T nothing happened, we crashed here because I didn't feel like dragging your drunk ass home " he said but I still felt like he was hiding something, but I wasn't really in the mood to argue so I dropped it.

"Fine whatever let's just go back to the hotel, we can't just waste this day for nothing " I said

So we went back to the hotel, took a shower, got dressed and went to the beach.

The rest of the group met us there in a few hours and we hung out with them.

We ended up chilling at the bar next to the beach after we got tired to relax and we started talking about random things.

" so how did you  guys  become friends ?" I asked

" well  Olivia and I have been friends since childhood and we met Sebastian, Adam and Jessica in the robotics club at school and we met   Danielle and Katherine from the soccer team " Travis said

" that's cool " I said sipping my drink

" what about you guys ? You seem to know each other for a while cuz of how comfortable you guys are around each other " Katherine noted

I smiled " yeah haz and I have been friends since childhood we basically grew up together "

"That's cool " said Danielle which I honestly forgot was even there.

" how about we skip the boring small talks and do something fun " said Adam

" yeah he has a point guys , how about we go to the roof of the hotel and go star gazing " Sebastian suggested

" star gazing you serious seb" Jessica stared at him

" yeah why not? And we'll also be breaking  he rules " Sebastian said

" now  you got my attention " Jessica smirked.

" so we agreed, what about you two you in?"

Harrison and I looked at each other and before he answer I jumped in and said.

" yeah, we're in "

Affection// Tarrison fanfic (tom holland boyxboy ) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now