Chapter 16

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Shoutout to @crazyfan29 for  voting on my story 🌚

Song: eyes shut by years &years.

  " well nothing is gonna hurt me with my eyes shut
I can see through them
I can see through them
I am drawing pictures I'm evading
I will not use them
I will not use them

Harrison's POV:

My eyes pried open and I got up panting.

" dude are you okay?" Tom said half asleep.

" yeah yeah just a bad dream" I said

He then directly went to bed and I couldn't fall back asleep.

I just had a pretty intense dream  about tom and I.

Oh god  I can't Believe that happened, I felt like I couldn't breathe since the room felt too hot now so I got up to the balcony for some fresh air.

Why would this happen ? I've never had... these kind of dreams before and certainly not about my best friend, but it felt so real and I can't believe I'm admitting this but I was really into it part of me didn't want to end.

Oh god help me, I'm a mess.

I need to sort my shit out, this is probably my brain fucking with me, a lot of stuff has been happening these past few weeks and I just don't really know how to deal with all of them so is just my body reacting to the stress.

Yeah totally.

After Watching the sunrise I heard shuffling in the room so I decided to go in.

I got in the room to be met my a shirtless tom, oh god this cannot be fucking happening right now, I felt my cheeks rise up and my jeans tight up, okay I officially hate my body it just loves to work against me.

" dude are you okay?" Tom asked concerned coming closer to me and oh god my jeans getting tighter. And lust clouded my brain

Why the fuck is this Happening now? I've known tom since I was a kid and I've seen him Shirtless a million of times, why am I reacting to him now ?

I don't get it,  I experimented in high school with guys and I've never felt anything with either of them so what am I acting like this now? I can't be "discovering my self now" and especially not towards my best friend.

"HARRISON" tom yelled and my heart skipped a beat.

Ew not in a lovey cringey way, in a way that I was about to shit my pants since the fucker decided to yell right in my ear.

" you Asshole do you want me to go deaf?!"I said while wincing.

" well you weren't answering me so I had to do something " he said smirking.

I bit my lip looking At him without realizing, oh god no, just no, I'm not gonna be one of those losers who fall for their best friends and end up being miserable okay I know how that goes.

So after that we got dressed, me turning the other way to make sure I don't see tom getting dressed because my dick won't calm the fuck down.

After  we got dressed we went to the beach to meet up with the Group except Travis and Danielle weren't there.

I was kind of happy Danielle wasn't hear,not that I hate her or anything she's nice she hasn't done anything wrong but she has kinda of a big mouth and after last time that's the last thing I need.

After we set up our stuff and swam for a while, Travis met up with us and the reason he was so late is that he got a new tattoo, it was angel wings on his back and I had to admit it was beautiful there was a name above the wings and I wondered who that was but I didn't wanna ask because I thought  it would make him feel sad so I just let it go.

We didn't see Danielle all day and I was actually wondering why she wasn't here but I didn't really bother to ask.

I started checking out some Guys to see if I feel anything but nothing happened, I don't get it why is this happening ?

The fact that I'm attracted to a guy isn't bothering me, it's a typical reaction where a guy is attracted to the same gender and freaks out. I'm not one of those guys.

It's the fact that I'm attracted to tom, my best friend since I was a baby,the guy who's been there for me through everything, the guy I can't imagine my life without.

I'm very open with my sexuality and as I said before I've experimented but because I wasn't into it I figured I was straight.

This can't be Happening, and it's not going to because I'm not gonna throw away our friendship because of some confusion I'm having.

I noticed this waterfall a bit far from the beach so I decided to go there to cool off and think things out I guess

I swam all the way there and oh god what I found was interesting to say the least.

Jessica and Katherine were making out near the waterfall and I was honestly shocked

I mean I knew Katherine was into girls  but not Jessica, I mean she always talked about guys but never girls so I never thought her and Katherine would be hooking up.

They stopped kissing and Katherine was whispering in Jessica's ear and giggling and I gotta admit it was adorable

I couldn't help by imagine tom and I being like that and I directly started Panicking.

oh god these feelings are killing me.

I decided to give them privacy and I went back to the beach to meet up with tom and Danielle who were being a bit too cozy and my blood started rising.

No, tom can flirt and date whoever he wants, we're not dating and we never will be so he can do whatever he likes, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, got out of the beach and walked over to Adam and Sebastian who were playing cards, they invited me to play and I said yes.

Adam and Sebastian were great, they're both really chill and fun and that's exactly what I want this vacation we still have about 2 weeks and a half and I wanna make the best out of this vacation because after this tom will start filming his movie and nothing will ever be the same.

After a few rounds of cards of me kicking their asses, the others came and tom and Danielle were laughing and I honestly just didn't give it any care

I am not going to be in a sabby cliche story, no this isn't fucking Cinderella, all I'm feeling is lust because I haven't been laid in a while and tom is with me most of the time, and well tom is a very good looking guy.

"You guys wanna go to the bonfire tonight?" Olivia came behind me and startled me.

I looked over to tom to see if he wanted to considering what happened last time he was at a party . He nodded at me so I said

" yea sure "

The bonfire is a great way to meet someone, and not like for a relationship because I don't want that right now but for a one night stand so i can try to get rid of these stupid feelings and get back on track.

Affection// Tarrison fanfic (tom holland boyxboy ) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now