Chapter 28

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Shoutout to @purplecharmed200 for voting on all the chapters of this story :)

Song: no way by fifth harmony

"Everyone comes with scars
But you can love them away
I told you I wasn't perfect
You told me the same "

Harrison's POV :

I was hanging out with zendaya and Jacob since tom had to go hang out with his family.

" so you wanna tell us about why you and Tom broke up?" Zendaya asked after we finished a round of monopoly.

" there's nothing to tell we just decided it's better if we stay friends"

" stay friends ? You guys aren't even looking at each other, how is that being friends " Jacob asked

" well it's not gonna just be back to normal so fast, we need time " I lied

I knew that tom and I can never go back to the way we were but I just didn't wanna deal with explaining everything.

" I just hope you guys work things out, you guys haven't even spoken since weeks and we hate not being to hang out with both of you at the same time " zendaya said.

" hey guys" Laura said coming in with Tony following her

Laura and Tony are also awesome, we don't really get to see them often but they're pretty cool, I've really gotten closer to them since whenever Jacob and zendaya are with tom or shooting I always hang out with them.

" hey you guys wanna join us ?" Jacob asked them.

" sure "

After 5 rounds of me kicking their asses in monopoly and all of us eating our weight in sandwiches we were honestly having a great time, the door opened and tom and his brother Harry got in.

I tensed up when I saw him but I didn't let it show, Because tony and Laura don't know tom and I were a thing and there's no point in telling them anymore so I'm not gonna let it show I'm just gonna act like nothing happened.

" yo haz " Harry came up behind me and I hugged him.

Harry and I were always really close, he gets me and he's great Company all of Tom's brothers are awesome but I'm closest to Harry the most.

" I miss you, I haven't see you with tom lately why?" He asked

"Umm- I've been busy but you're here now we can hang out " I said smiling.

" yepp " he said but I could tell he knew I wasn't telling him the whole story but thank god he let it go.

Tom went next to Laura and they started talking, I saw him from the corner of my eye staring at me but I didn't dare move or give me one glance.

Harry and I were talking about a small movie that he decided to do about our journey on this movie since he's gonna be with us most of the time which I was really glad for I miss having him around.

" so you wanna help me shoot this Movie? " he asked

" yeah of course that would be awesome "

Affection// Tarrison fanfic (tom holland boyxboy ) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now