2. Devious Encounters

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I honestly think it's weird that the guy has never had a girl friend. He's not gay, according to the proverbial notches on his bed post. There has been several hook-ups that I know about, in gross detail. I'm not a stalker but I like to know my opponent/rival/enemy. He's not waiting for the right person to come along, or pining after someone (I would know).

Explanation time: okay remember when I said no one asked me out or tried to talk to me? Well that changed today. I got a random text message on my phone.

9195396389: I really don't know why you act like your ACTUALLY a shy person!

Bre: And you know me how? Who the hell is this and how did you get my number? If You don't answer my questions , I will instantly block your ass!

9195396389: Theres the spitfire girl. If I told you who I am you would hate me. I got you number from a friend.

Bre: Don't presume to know me Fuckface. The only way I would hate you is if you were Emerson James. And that last one was a lie. I have only two friends, and they would never give it to you.

9195396389: Name calling really? Smh. That guy isn't that bad, and I said that because IF I did tell you it would take away from the mystery. I'm also interested in this deep hatred you have for Emerson, the ladies love him.

Bre: Sorry for calling you that, sometimes my temper gets the best of me. Emerson and me have a long past, that I don't really want to get into with a stranger. I doubt he would appreciate that, not that I care, no one knows why he hates me so I assume that he never tells anyone. Long story short. Nvm. Goodbye and please don't contact me again.

At the moment I am running really really late for class. I have to go to my locker to get the books I need for my first two classes and I just know that that is going to take me more than five minutes. Yes I am the type of girl that does not like to be late for class or get anything less than an A-. I would never consider my self a goodie two shoes either. But view me the way you want.

I got my stuff from my locker and it actually took me 8 minutes. Smh. Did I forget to mention that today is the first day of Junior year. I haven't seen Cami or Rory yet for my Pep talk that I am so going to need this year. Walking in my first class, which is film/drama. It feels as if I am doing the walk of shame, when I get in there. My teacher Mr. Collins looks at me and says "Have a seat Ms. Daniels, I thought there was some unspoken rule that students should never miss or be late on their first day of class." The whole class started laughing at that one. I just bent my head and started walking to an empty seat.

First thing that I noticed was there was a vacant seat by my sworn enemy and his current plaything Amber. They both are sitting beside each other but they have vacant seats on both sides of them. The whole class is looking at me at this point so I have to pick the lesser of two evils to sit by. I picked Amber because she is the schools Bitch ( I meant mean girl). Right before I set my books down on the desk she puts her leg on it and smirks. " Move your fat ass leg Amber," I growled. "Sorry I'm saving this seat for someone, I heard the floor is comfortable enough."

Now this whole time I never looked at Em, but I bet on my life that he is looking at me and laughing. I hear a deep chuckle and I knew it was him. "I'm sure your back disagrees with that rumor.' I stated under my breath. Who the hell do she thinks she is? I started walking over to the empty seat beside Emerson and he didn't look at me but he said loud enough so that those in our vicinity could hear him, "And the only way your going to sit beside me is if you get on yours!"

I cringed and said " you disgusting Pig, the only way that would happen is if Amber practices celibacy and monogamy at the same damn time." As I was about to take my seat, the desk was pulled out at the last minute. I fell on the ground so hard, my butt bone felt numb. I can't feel my ass! " YOU JERK-FACE ASSWIPE!! The class erupted in laughter at the whole ordeal. I was so embarrassed.

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