5. Jealousy and Dates

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" Mom, this conversation is getting really old what did I say? Anybody who knocks on the door for me is trying to take advantage of me and the old gray matter. Either that or they are trying to knock me up because they think I am so smart that no matter how ugly or different I look our kid will make them billions of dollars because of my ....." I was saying all of this while in my room straightening up and then made my way down the steps.

I couldn't finish my sentence because in my living room stood Emerson James. He had the most innocent look on his face. I'm not sure he was even trying to hide his true intentions or not, but I didn't want to find out. So before anyone could say anything I ran back upstairs in my room. But not before I heard my mom say " I swear she isn't always this rude, maybe dramatic but not rude."I was taking the stairs two at a time, and I almost tripped. My wrist would have been done for if that would have happened.

I could hear her talking to him as she got closer to my room "If you guys have a project to get done, then its going to get done and she is going to cooperate or she is not going to that school she want to got to next year!" And at that I quickly opened the door to my room and stepped aside so that Em could come in. And I said to mom " we're good, this project will be done so fast, it will break records." And I apologized for my rudeness. Wait hold up, did he just brush up against me or am I tripping? Lets go with tripping. We have to go with that because if we don't, I have to speak on how he smells.

I couldn't let anything get in the way of me going to a new school. I have to leave anyways, because if my parents find out that this idiot my mom let in the house did this to me he's going to be going to a new school too.

Mom left the room and me and Emerson just stood there staring at each other. Of course I looked away first and looked down at my shoes. He continued to look at me without saying anything, so I spoke up and said something first.

" Ok, I know that we don't like each other, but don't you think that we can put aside our differences for like 3 days?" He looked at me and smirked.

"Is that how long you think this project is going to take? She's giving us the entire semester for Christ's sake?" He said in an angry voice. "Why so quick to get rid of me? Are you afraid of me? Well you should be!"

"I am in no way insulting your intelligence when I say this but this project is child's play compared to any work I ever did at this school. If you cant answer and follow a couple of rules than, I really think you should complain to the teacher and ask for a different partner. It's not like one of us disabled and can't do it right?" I said with indifference, and hope. I know the hope was in my voice but I did try to mask it with the Indifference.

"Fat chance" was all he replied.

"Why are you here at my house? How do you know where I live?'' I asked as soon as he said that.

"You left so quick, you didn't hear Mrs.Fisk say to get with our partners after school to plan dates of meetings and times." Anger still laced his voice.

Notice how he didn't answer my second question. Something else thats going to be have to be revisited. Stalker much? Something tells me this is the point were I should be fearing for my life. I would hate to be the girl that didn't even see the signs before she met her maker. Note that I acknowledged that sign right there.

"Sorry I didn't feel too great after class." it was the truth, but I don't think that he believed me. He's looking at me like he knows the real reason, behind the reason I gave. He should. I hate his ass. The thought of working with him turns my stomach.

"Yea watever, your still rude, seeing as though I have been in your house for over 15 minutes and you have yet to offer me a seat!" He said.

" That's because your were just on your way out of the door! You are no guest of mine. I never invited you here. Actually that was rude 100 percent. We go to the same school, this could have been avoided. You will see me tomorrow at SCHOOL!" I whisper yelled in case mom was with in listening distance.

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