Adventure Time Again? Pt 1

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Clementine's POV

Finn and I reached the Candy Kingdom as we started conversing again,
"So..... Like I asked before do you still have a crush on Princess Bubblegum?" I asked impatiently. " Well.... Okay I'll be honest with you. Yes, I still do." Finn replied calmly. Now we walked down the Candy Kingdom's candy street. " I just wanted to say sorry about the incident that happened when we were making dinner." Finn said with his head hung low. I promptly stopped to signal him to do the same. When he did I looked up at him  I started to say, " It's okay it wasn't your fault it was both of ours." I walked up closer to him and gave him a warm hug. He even hugged me back! After a while when we both felt the candy people's eyes on us we quickly broke apart. Then we proceed walking to the castle. Then we finally made it to the small drawbridge and a banana guard opened it for us. When we walked over the bridge the guard started asking Finn questions about Me.

Finn's POV

The banana guard suddenly started asking Me  questions about Clementine and I. "Oh gosh, Finn are y'all like... An item or something?" The guard pointed to us moving his finger. " Um, no of course not we're just friends!" I said putting my arm around Clementine in friendly manner and I started to feel my face getting hot as I smiled uncomfortably. "Uh. Okay Finn." The Banana guard said with a slight eyebrow raise. Clementine and I walked like this for about five steps, then we were past the guard and j removed my arm. " Sorry Clementine." I said kind of embrassed. " It's cool." She said like it was no big deal. Honestly it felt good with Clementine close to me and my arm around her. No but we're just friends nothing more. 

We eventually made to PB's bedroom, and I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I knocked once again then I heard a weak "Come in." Clementine and I walked into the room PB was sitting up on her bed with a
breakfast tray above her. It was consist of sunny side eggs, a piece of toast cut into triangles and lighted layered with butter, and 2 pieces of bacon. PB was munching on a piece her piece of bread.

Clementine POV

"Hello Princess Bubblegum." I said bowing my head slightly. " Oh, hello to you too.What brings you two to the Candy Kingdom?" "Well we came to find some more clothes for Clementine she's wearing this thing called a swim suit, but that's all she has and she needs more clothes. We were wondering if you had any spare clothes for her." Finn said. "All of my clothing is made out of candy. I'm sorry I wish I could help you, but I know someone who might have some clothing." Princess Bubblegum said with a smile. I thought for  second and realized who she was talking about. Marceline. "Okay thanks for the information Princess Bubblegum." I said grabbing Finn's hand as we left the room. My heart pounded against my rib cage as we left the room.

Finn's POV

As we left PB's bedroom Clementine grabbed my hand and walked Me out. I put my head down and didn't meet Clementine's eyes just in case I was blushing. "Come on Finn we have to hurry if we want to get to Marceline's house before night fall." Clementine said pulling my arm encouraging Me to walk faster. Eventually after two hours of traveling we finally made it to Marceline's house.

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