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This is just a filler not a chapter!! I am updating The chapter tonight.

After last night, I had slept on the couch. I figured mouse was still angry at me so why even bother going in his room. My alarm went off at 5:15 and the bus comes at 6:50. I took a shower and put my hair in a bun and put on this(in comments).By the time I did my hygiene stuff and was ready to head out the door I noticed jayda was packing things in what I guess was her book bag. It was a surprise to me because I thought she was home schooled like mouse and dmari.

Jayda: yea, I see you looking I go to public school too.

I was surprised that she even talked to me because I thought she hated me, but to me I really didn't care because I sorta didn't like her, especially because of what I saw her doing.

Me: Ok and you think I care why?

Jayda: My bad, but just to let you know.. take a picture, it last longer  

And with that comment she left out the door to the bus stop. I guess I did deserve that because I was starin pretty hard. When we both were outside waiting for the bus, I glared at her now and then with evil thoughts in my mind and I made sure I was as far away from her as possible. I looked at the time and it was only 6:40. I thinking if I had to stay out here any longer with her i'm just gon smack her but lucky for her the bus came early. I thought we were gonna be one of the first people on the bus but it turned out we weren't. As I could see everything was separated. you had all the people that didn't fit in, in the front of the bus and the middle people who got along with everybody in the middle(weren't much of those) and I guess all the "popular" kids in the back. I really didn't care how the bus was separated, I was gon sit where I want. I sat in seat 11 and jayda sat in seat 9. As soon as I sat down everybody was on my tip.

Person 1: damnnn girl whats yo name

Me: A name you ain't gon learn no time soon.

Person 2: I ain't seen you before, you new?

Me: (sarcastically) Naww I been here all along

Person 3: You related to jayda??

Me: you lucky I don't cut you tongue out for sayin some stuff like that

Person 4: you got a attitude on the first day?? you gon have trouble waitin for you.

Me: nahh just you if you don't get yo stanky breath out my face.

???: sassy and cute, I could use a girl like you around.

I was about to go off on him and everybody else who kept making comments, when I turned around and seen this cute brown skin guy. He looked like 5'7 but I really couldn't tell because he was sitting down.

Me: Thanks, I guess

???: my Name is Davion

Me: nice to know

Davion: Don't worry, I already know your name

Me: and how is that??

Davion: I know everybody

I was a little confused on how he knew my name but I was snapped out of my thoughts as someone sat next to me on the bus. I looked over to see who it was. When I looked over I seen Amani. I was really not looking forward to seeing her .

My Long Lost/Lil Mouse Lovee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now