Today Was Just Not The Day

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Before I start the chapter, I wanna say I'm sooo sorry for keeping all of you waiting!

She looked at me and gave me a warm smile.

Amani: hey

Me: um hi

Before she could say anything else, the bus stopped in front of the school. I Couldn't have been more happy to get off that bus. I quickly dashed out of my seat and into the school. As soon as I walked in the door people started staring. As I was pulling my schedule out my bookbag to look for my homeroom class, I felt a arm around my shoulder.

Davion: it's okay,all new people go through the staring phase.

I took his arm off my shoulder and started to walk away. Just as I was walking away he snatched my schedule out my hand and looked at it.

Davion: we got all the same classes except gym. C'mon I'll show you to your next class.

I rolled my eyes and followed him. Don't get me wrong, he is very cute. I'm just not trying to have myself open because I really didn't want to be here and I honestly didn't want to name any new friends but from what I can see, he wasn't going to give up.

  I took my seat in the back as davion sat next to me.

Me: what do you want.

I said with an attitude.

Davion: can't I just be nice and trying to make a new friend?

He said with a smile.

Me: no.

He flashed a perfect smile my way before the teacher started talking.

Teacher: good morning class,and to my understanding we have a new student.

He looked at me with a warm smile and signaled me to come up and introduce myself. I walked to the front of the classroom.

Me: um my name Talisa and I moved here from California.

Teacher: tell us something about yourself.

Me: I like to sing and I use to live here before I moved to California.

Teacher: Thank you, you may have a seat now.

I took my seat back next to davion as he kept trying to talk to me and I got more annoyed.

After class was over, I walked down the hallway trying to find out where my locker was again. At this pace I was gonna be late for my next class. As I was walking, I heard davion's loud voice call my name.

Davion: Talisa!!

Me:wtff do you want?

Davion: why you so mean to me?

Me: Because I can be.

Davion: look, just get to know me for the rest of day and if you don't like me, I put it on my mama I won't bother you ever again.

I thought about his offer and then I finally agreed.

Me: fine.

He smiled and took me to show me where my locker was.

Throughout the day, I had actually found him to be pretty cool. He knew how to keep a smile on my face, he was funny, and a gentlemen. But I always kept in my mind not to get too friendly.  By the end of the day we were on the bus laughing and talking. When my stop came he gave me his number and took it without hesitation. I walked off the bus with the biggest grin on my face. I looked to my side to see jayda looking at me weird.

Me: Is it something on my face or are you traumatized by all this beauty?

Jayda: Your funny, but why you smiling hard?

Me: why you all up in my business, look I'm just gonna keep it real with you. I DON'T LIKE YOU!

Jayda: and imma keep it real with you. I didn't like you either but since we live in the same house, I might as well put the bs aside and get along.

With that she walked off down the street. She had a point though, I might as well try to get along if I had to see her everyday. As I walked into the house with the number in my hand smiling, I seen mouse walking over to give me a hug, but when he noticed I was placing the number in my phone he snatched the paper out my hand. His face turned red and he looked up on my eyes with anger in his eyes. I thought to myself, wtff we haven't even been dating a full week and we got problems already!

Jayda p.o.v

I watched as mouse looked at Talisa heated! My plan was falling in place. If davion play his part right, we all could be happy. But one thing is for sure mouse is mine and he always will be!

sorry for all the mistakes! but please vote and comment!

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