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I was editing a video and I heard the door bell ring. I walked over to the door and opened it. "For Miss Carson, from your dear friend, Mr. Graceffa." The lady said.

I read it silently. I was shocked that he would invite me of all people. Maybe he invited my cousin, Justine aka iJustine. I was excited. All of a sudden I changed into this white dress with a white flower crown.

I went into this car and the house appeared. I smiled. His house was big. I walked as I saw my cousin Justine. I walked over to her.

"Justine!" I said as Justine turned around. "Bree." She said as Matt turned around. "Bree." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. I always had a crush on him.

"Matt!" I said as I hugged him. He was a little surprised but then he hugged back. I smiled and he looked into my eyes. I saw him I looked in his eyes. Until I heard someone walking down the stairs.

I looked at him. Still hugging Matt. "What do you think." He asked. "Of my new house." He said as I blinked. "This is your house?" Justine asked. "This is not your house." I said.

   "It's rented." Timothy said which made me laugh. I leaned into Matt's chest more as Joey talked. I didn't realize what he said until people started cheering and walking out.

    Matt took my hand and lead me to the dart board where we saw Shane and Eva. I let go of his hand to talk to Eva as him and Shane played darts.

    "Hey Bree." Eva said. "Hey Eva." I said as she smiled and looked towards what I was looking at. Matt. "So you like him?" She asked. "I've always had a crush on him." I said as Matt looked towards me and smiled.

     I waved as he continued his game. I smiled at his craziness. "So, when are you gonna tell him?" Eva asked. "I don't know, maybe tonight." I say

     She smiles as she walked to Sierra. I walk to Justine since she was close to me. "Hey Jus." I say as I approach her. "Hey Bree." She said as I looked at Matt.

     "Still have a crush on him?" She asked. "Yeah." I said.  She smiled. "He likes you too." She said as I looked at me. "How do you know?" I ask. "Look at how he looks at you." She said as I looked at Matt looking at me with his perfect eyes.

     I smiled and looked back at him as he smiled. I blew a kiss to him and then he turned around. I looked back at Justine and saw she was talking to Eva and Sierra.

    I found Joey and he gave me a drink. I sipped it and hugged him. "Hey Joey." I say and he smiles. "Hey Bree." He said. We have been friends for 10 years.

    I looked at Matt and I walked over to him. I got him a drink. I gave the drink to him. He smiled. "Thanks Bree." He said. "Your Welcome." I said and then mumbled 'hottie'. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." I lied.

He looked at me. I smiled. He hugged me. I was so glad I was invited and so was he. He was perfect. I didn't realize that he was perfect till he was holding me and we were looking into each other's eyes.

I looked away for a second to see Shane walking up the stairs. I followed him as everyone went to the dining room. "Hey." I said as he turned around and jumped. We got to the top and saw a body being dragged.

I started walking towards the body and Shane pulled me back to see the maid, Sarah coming around the corner.

"Dinner is Ready." She said as I nodded and Shane walked up to her. "I know what your doing." He said as I walked down the dining room with Shane behind me.

"Oh look who it is." Joey said. I looked at him weirdly. "What?" I asked. "Where were y'all." He asked as I smiled. "I was in the bathroom." I said. "For that long." Joey asked. "As much as I like a good make-out I was literally pooping." I say as Justine laughed.

"Okay what about you Shane?" Matt asked. "Is this real food can I eat this?" He asked. "Don't change the subject." Joey says.

Then Arthur the head of staff came in and gave Shane a telegram. "Now you have to read it to us." Lele said. "Y'all Jealous!" Shane said.

     He frowned and handed it to me. I read it silently. I frowned. I looked at him and started tearing up. "No." I said as I grabbed Justine and Matt and ran towards the door.

    I opened the door and started crying uncontrollably into Matt's chest. Justine took the telegram from me and read it. I've been friends with Shane since he started his YouTube Channel we were like siblings.

    "Oh, Bree." She said as she showed it to Matt. He comforted me as calmed down. He looked in my eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head as they comforted me.

    They lead me back inside as I saw Shane on the ground coughing up blood. I looked at Justine as Matt gave the telegram to Joey. He read it out loud.

    I cringed as he read it and everyone but me and Matt tried to solve the puzzles to save him. I then quietly fell asleep.

Escape The Night ~ Matt HaagWhere stories live. Discover now