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I woke up on Matt's lap in a room with everyone sitting around. I looked around. No Shane. I looked at Matt. "Shane?" I asked.

He shook his head as Justine hugged me. I smiled. I have a great family. Then I televised people kept getting up and writing on a piece of paper. "Two people have to go into the Ungodly Machine." Arthur said as I nodded.

I wrote Andrea's name because she says I didn't help after Shane got poisoned. And said I didn't need to fall asleep.

Then Arthur pulled out a card. "Bree." He said. I smiled cause I wanted to die. "Andrea." He said as she looked surprised.

"What is your problem with me!" I yelled. "What is wrong with me, what is wrong with you? You act like Shane was your best friend when he was mine, and you act like you loved him when you really killed him, you were last with him!! I don't like you so don't talk to me BITCH!" She yelled.

I wasn't done. "You know what." I said. I took a knife out of my purse that I found in the dining room tat I kept. Andrea looked confused.

"This isn't how I wanted my life to end, but it has to." I say as I hold the knife to my stomach. Right as I started going down someone snatched it outta my hand.

"GIVE IT BACK JOEY!" I screamed. "No I can't do that." He said. "Why, My Best Friend died, then my cousin is gonna die and my crush, and everyone I love and you Joey. Why can't I end my misery!" I yell.

"Because people love you here." He says as everyone but Andrea say 'yeah' . Even Timothy.

I smiled as I took the knife back as I walked outta the room and put it on the table. I walked back in as Matt smiled at me. I smiled back. Andrea was staring at people. Timothy is still her friend but is on my side now.

We picked our partners and we entered the Ungodly Machine. "Eva if I don't make it out alive tell Matt I love him." I say as I got into the machine.

"Okay." She said. Ten minutes past and I feel gas fill me tube. I was screaming as I watched as Justine was crying.

What they didn't know was that my doctor put in a tube in my mouth that makes me inhale gas for a long period of time. All of a sudden it opened up but no one was there still.

I walked out and went to where everyone was. I looked at Matt. He was crying and so was Joey. "WHY!" He yelled. "She told me to tell you that she loved you." Eva said.

"I loved her, I was gonna tell her tonight. She would be my girlfriend." He said as he was crying. I smiled as I didn't want to see them yet.

I then heard screaming and Andrea being hurt by Justine. "She gets it, she-she." Justine said as Matt comforted her.

"I miss her." I heard Justine say. Andrea was in the floor dead. "Me too." Matt says as Joey spots me but I don't think he knows it's me.

"Hey!" He yelled chasing me. "Hey." He said as he caught up to me and turned me around. "Bree?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "Come on Matt is gonna be happy." He said and I decided to play a prank on him.

"Whose Matt?" I asked confused. "What?" He asked. "Who is Matt." I asked trying not to laugh. "Your crush." He says I shake my head. "I'm dating Kale." I said.

"No y'all broke up." He said as I tried not to laugh again. "Just come on." He said as he lead me to the group. The first person to see me was Lele.

"BREE!" She yelled. Matt and Justine's head snapped up. "What?" They asked together. "Bree?" GloZell asked. "Yes I'm Bree but who are you people?" I ask. "And where is Kale?" I asked as everyone looked worried.

Then I pretended to just see Andrea. "Oh my god is she okay, she needs a doctor." I said as I pretended to reach for my phone. "Hey who took my phone?" I ask.

"Bree?" Justine asked. "Jus!" I said. "Where's Jen and Breanne??" I asked. "Oh no. What do you remember?" Jus asked. "Well I was with Kale and he kissed me and now I'm here." I say. "Umm.. Kale did that in 2011." Joey said. "So do you know who this is." Jus asked as she showed me Matt.

"Oh, ummm. I think Joey said your name was Matt." I said. "Joey told you." Matt asked. I nodded. "And where is Malice?" I asked Joey. "She died two years ago." Justine asked.

I looked over and began to pretend to wobble to pretend to got my memory back. "Matt?" I asked. "Yes?" He asked.

"Did I die?" I ask. He looked confused. I stopped. "Oh my god! I can't believe y'all bought that." I laughed. "BREE!" Matt yelled.

"How did you survive?" Eva asked. "Jus remember when I was a scuba diver and they put that tube in my mouth to keep air in my lungs." I say and she nodded. "Well it works with gas to." I say as I smiled and hugged Matt.

Eva walked up to Me and Matt. "I told him." She says. "Yeah I heard." I say as I kiss Matt's lips. He was surprised at first but then kissed back.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask and he nods. "I love you." I say as he says it back to me.

My best friend may have died but this is the best night ever. But little did I know it would get worst.

Escape The Night ~ Matt HaagWhere stories live. Discover now