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a/n: thank u for the votes n comments i love u guys aahhh 💕💕

also srry 4 bein kinda slow ,,i got dream daddy n fuck im absolutely in love w craig :'-((


Anti sat on the bed, nervously picking at his skin with his claws until blood trickled down his arm, but it healed too quickly to do any damage. His eyes were locked on Dark, following his movements as he paced the bedroom. He had his arms crossed, thinking of what he was going to say which added to the anxiety pooling in Anti's chest.

They'd gotten out of the bath in silence, Anti too nervous to talk and Dark was lost in his thoughts. They got dressed the same way, neither speaking and the air thick and filled with unease.

Anti wished he could be inside of his head to grasp an idea of what he was thinking. There were endless possibilities for why Dark could be acting so strange and only the negative ones kept coming to him.

Dark suddenly stopped, turning to him and letting out a small sigh. "Promise me you won't...freak out," he spoke softly and Anti stiffened before forcing himself to relax.

"I would never," he promised, giving him an encouraging smile and nod for him to continue talking.

The demon bit his lip for a second, contemplating the easiest way to say what he had to while Anti braced for it, mind swirling with terrible outcomes.

Dark was going to leave him. He was cheating. He developed some rare disease and was dying. He wasn't gay and strung Anti along for hundreds of years. He was being sent to the Lake of Fire where he'd be burned alive for the rest of etern-

"I got a new job."


"What?" Anti asked, eyebrows furrowed. That's why he was so worked up?

"Let me explain a little," Dark said, leaning against their dresser, "Today, after I captured those thousands of souls, I brought them back to Lucifer." He looked to Anti to make sure he was following along. The demon nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"He was blown away and praised me about twenty times, but he was...he was fucking pissed. I'd never seen him so angry, I thought he was going to kill me or banish me," Dark told him, nails digging into the wood of the dresser.

"Why would he be mad at you? What you did was amazing," he interjected and Dark gave him a pointed look.

"Not at me, the other soul-collectors. They're supposed to help when a large influx of mortals die, it's not a one man job," he explained, "Lucifer was fuming, the walls were shaking and the ground was cracking. He summoned one of my coworkers, the one who holds the soul record and he...he murdered him."

Anti's eyes widened, blinking several times at the revelation. He didn't comment though, he let Dark speak.

He let his head hang slightly, eyes darting to the floor, staring that the occasional speck of dirt on the floor. "I watched him get torn to shreds, his screams were horrifying. Then Lucifer turns to me, he offers me his job on the spot, more like forces me into accepting. I start the day after his retirement."

"So you're...?" Anti breathed, not even finishing his question.

"Ruler of Hell? Yes," Dark chuckled bitterly, glancing up at his boyfriend who's already looking at him. "It fucking sucks."

Anti shook his head, pushing off the bed and stumbling over to him, throwing his arms around Dark's shoulders and pulling him in for a hug. Dark accepted it, wrapping his arms around his middle and squeezing tenderly. He buried his face in the smaller demon's neck, breathing in his soothing scent and letting out a shaky breath.

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