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a/n at the end !! but also listen to the song ^^


"Wh...isn't he waking...?"

"He's fi.....ive him space..."

".....said it'll work! Now....ook at him!"

Anti groaned, swatting his hands at the person touching his neck and coming in contact with something soft like skin. He wanted to tell whoever it was to leave him alone but when he went to speak, he couldn't. He opened his mouth, trying to produce some type of sound but nothing worked.

What the fuck?

"Anti? You awake?" The voice was familiar, gruff and old sounding but he couldn't place a name to it, not yet at least.

"Wa-Wait, he's awake?!" Dark, that one belonged to Dark!

Anti's eyes snapped open as soon as the words were uttered, and kneeling in front of him was his boyfriend, completely drenched in blood but that was the least of his concerns. He was alive! Not dead, very much alive and very much worried.

He wanted to speak, scream for joy even but his voice wasn't there, his mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for water, his eyes widening. Dark could tell he was panicking and quickly calmed him.

"No, no, no, don't freak out, you're okay, you're okay, baby," he said in a soothing tone, running a hand through Anti's hair. "Don't speak, not yet, you'll hurt your throat even more."

Anti looked confused, bringing a hand to his neck and feeling damp bandages wrapped around him. Dark swatted his hand away and shook his head.

"And don't touch that either," he ordered softly. "Do you wanna sit up?"

Anti nodded at that, finally looking around the room as Dark helped him into a sitting position. They were on the floor of the throne room, everything was still a disaster, even more so with the floor covered in blood from his....accident. There was so much blood.

Dark followed his gaze and his face darkened, snapping his eyes back to Anti as he gripped his chin tightly, forcing him to look up.

"Now that I know you're okay, what the fuck was that? Why did you kill yourself?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed and a deep frown on his face. "Do you know how agonizing it was to watch you bleed out and die?! We barely saved you!"

"Y-yo-u we-were d-dea-d!" Anti choked out finally, wincing as the strain in his neck, rubbing at the wound. "I-I di-didn't-"

"Stop talking," Dark interrupted. Anti glared but didn't say another word much to his own displeasure.

"I...I wasn't dead, I was close but I healed quicker with a little help from someone," Dark explained, "I woke up in another part of the castle and my first thought was finding you, only to come back to see you on the ground with your neck slit." Dark's eyes watered but he held the tears back, not wanting to cry more than he already had.

Anti bit his lip, tears stinging his eyes as well, only he let his fall but Dark was quick to wipe them away with his thumbs. "I never want to see you like that again," he whispered, "I was so scared I was going to lose you, I-I can't...I can't handle that."

"I-I'm s-so so-r-ry," Anti croaked, wrapping his arms around Dark's neck and tugging him in close. "I-I c-can't lose yo-u either."

"Then stop talking," Dark snapped, though it held no malice whatsoever. He rubbed at Anti's sides, sighing, "I'm thankful Lucifer stepped in when he did, he saved our asses."

Anti's head popped up from its place in Dark's neck, raising and eyebrow. "Lucifer? O-oh, sh-shit, no ta-talking, sorry."

"Anti, I swear to fucking god," Dark grumbled, rolling his eyes, "But yes, Lucifer, he...." he looked around but didn't see the elder demon in sight, "well, he was right here a second ago. Anyway...I was alive when you were first in here before you vanished with Infelix, I heard everything, I just couldn't move while my body healed, much like being trapped in a coma.

blood like gasoline » danti (reuploaded)Where stories live. Discover now