Enchantments - part1 - Sebasdion, multi ship

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"There was no love in his heart"

"He was a child obeying the rule of not answering the door to strangers you vain airhead!"

"It cannot be undone" Enchantress turned on her friend 

"When did you become so cold hearted?" In two seconds an ice statue stood in Evening's place. "Now you wait upon the curse breaker as well"

Nine years later...

"Oh, careful there" Looking up from his book Sebb apologised

"Sorry, I was just so engrossed" 

"Maybe don't read it while crossing the road then" Sebb laughed as the baker left back into his shop. Returning to his book he found it plucked from his hands, looking up into the dark eyes of his most obvious admirer.

"Hi Kevin" That nauseating smile 

"You almost sound reluctant to see me"

"Almost" He tried to side step as Kevin began his flirt speech 

"You know, from the moment I saw you I knew" Sebb took two or three steps backwards

"Knew what?"

"That in town there's only you who can be fit for me, which leads me to ask..." Oh no. "Will you marry me Sebastian?" He almost turned and ran 

"I'm sorry Kevin I just... I just don't deserve you!" Then he ran.

"Can you imagine Vodka? He asked me to marry him! ugh!" Sebb went to pack for the fair as Vodka started coughing up a hairball at the mention of Kevin.

"Meow!" Sebb picked her up 

"I can't take you baby, you might get lost" Setting her down he carried on loading the cart before heading off "I'll be back before long!" 

"We must've taken a wrong turn. Where are we?" Looking up from the map he saw a towering spire above the trees. "Maybe it's a church or somewhere. We can ask for directions" Heading towards it he noticed the air getting colder. Finally he reached an ornate set of gates which were still open, taunting the ice statue behind them. A beautiful woman seemed to reach towards the gates as if running for them, one hand almost touching the top. Sebb ducked under it and rode towards the spire of the church, the doors opening before he reached them.

"Hello? I think I'm lost I just came to ask for directions" He looked around for who had opened the door, seeing nothing but a piano in the corner of the room and a candelabra on top of it next to an ornate stand with hooks that served as a key holder. "Hello? I'm Sebastian I wondered if you knew the way to the fair" A shadow passed over the stairs.

"Why're you here? To laugh at me?" 

"What? no, i'd never do that"

"Dion you have to calm down you'll start sounding paranoid..." Sebb froze

"Did that piano just talk?" The key holder answered

"It's all he ever does"

"Now now Chess, y'all don't talk like that" The candelabra was talking. The candelabra was talking to the key holder. What the hell was going on?!

"How can you all...?"

"Talk? Y'all didn't think it was strange when the doors opened by themselves?" Sebb tried to calm down 

"Can you all talk?" The key holder laughed

"It's all we do"

"Well, it's not all y'all do" The candelabra looked at the piano as it sighed. "Are y'all ok? I'm sorry to rub it in"

"At least you can talk to your love. My sweet Jon waits up there and out of reach" The shadow called Dion moved closer

"I'm sorry Thomas. I wish you could see him" The candelabra cut in

"Y'all didn't have anything to do with it. Y'all didn't know" Sebb frowned confused

"Know what?"

"This" Dion stepped into the light so Sebb gasped

"Oh my god..."

"You can't leave. The curse on these walls stops everyone" Dion looked down "You'll need dinner, you must be starving" He turned to the candelabra. "Show him to his room Todrick" Todrick nodded and kissed the lowest hook on the key holder

"Y'all wait for me Lil Chestnut" Then he jumped onto the stairway banister in front of Sebb "Follow me"

He lead him to a room with white  and silver walls and swirling blue curtains to match the blue and white vanity next to the wardrobe.

"How y'all doin' Jon?" The vanity's top drawer moved like a mouth

"How's Thomas?"

"Still askin after y'all" The vanity sighed

"My sweet sunshine, I can't wait to see him again" Piano music drifted upwards to their ears from below. "Thomas..." Sebb watched them 

"What happened here?" Todrick turned to him

"When Dion was twelve he forbade a stranger from coming into these halls, then that enchantress cursed us all saying he had eight years to open his heart before we all stay like this"

"But he was just a kid!"

"She didn't see it like y'all"

Thomas played a lilting tune through the dental pain it caused every time, singing below the room where Jon listened.

"Will I ever 

Tremble again

To my sweet one's 

Perfect refrain" Jon sang from above 

"Or will you

Forever remain...." Todrick and Chester sang in unison as he held him while trying not to burn him

"Out of reach of my arms..." Dion looked through his window mournfully

"Days in the sun

How I wish i could relive just one

Though my life had barely begun" They all sang in unison 

"Could he be the one...?"

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