Chapter Two: Meeting Dexter

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Kyra Walsh:

I was drunk, but that is no excuse. I don’t regret it, or think it was a mistake. He was freaking amazing! Not to mention I got to live one of my fantasies. Wink, wink. That helped me get over Chase too. I don’t know why I was sad over him leaving. He was a dick, I am glad he is gone. Beau and James have become my friends now.

It was a week afterwards that they finally found out I went to their school. It was because I had to present in front of the whole school. I was valedictorian this year so I prepared a speech and gave it to the whole school. The president of the student council was pissed…it was Lauren. That made my day, just saying. It has now been a month and I have run into a problem. I have been having pains in my stomach. So I have a doctors’ appointment right now. I was waiting for the doctor now. The nurses already did a bunch of tests and I really hope they figure out what is wrong with me.

He came in, “Hello, Ms. Walsh?” I nodded. He said, “I am Dr. Gilbert. Please feel free to call me Ted.”

I nodded, “Hello Ted, call me Kyra.” He nodded and flipped through the sheets on his clipboard. He furrowed his brows.

He looked up at me with a smile, “Well, after all the tests the nurses performed we have found out what the problem is.”

I asked, “What is it?” I really wanted to know. I learned that when people have cancer they have these kinds of pains.

He grinned, “You are pregnant.” Cue the jaw drop.

I stuttered, “I-I what?”

He said, “Congratulations. You are about 3 months along.” 3 months? That means it was Chase…not Dexter. Oh fuck me! He swore he used protection! I knew it didn’t feel right! Chase is gone but he got me pregnant. I am so fucking dead!

My appointment was even longer since we had to check and make sure the baby was growing healthily and everything. When we were done I went to my favorite spot in the world.

So here I was, sitting with my feet dangling off the edge of my favorite cliff. I was watching the water crash onto the rocks below. I’m not going to lie; I have thought about jumping. I still have it cross my mind every few minutes. Chase was the worst boyfriend…and I never saw it. I don’t blame Lauren for hating me. I blame myself for letting Chase get to me. He was always so nice and caring, but he was also cruel and sinister. He was a jerk. He only started out nice, now…not so much. We dated for half a year. It was around the third month that he turned…into his true self.

A branch snapping caught my attention. I turned my head to look back and saw Dexter. He seemed just as surprised to see me.

He asked, “Why are you crying?” I felt my cheeks and sure enough I was. Fuck me.

I quickly wiped them, “No reason, I’m fine.” He sat down next to me, his feet hanging off the edge as well. I asked, “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged, “I just come here to hang out sometimes when I want to be alone.”

I asked sarcastically, “Why would you possibly want to be alone? You have so many amazing groupies to hang out with.”

He chuckled, “I don’t know, there are better people to hang around.”

I asked, “How are you supposed to be alone…if I am here?”

He smirked, “You aren’t so bad to hang around. You are one of those people that are better to hang around.”

I asked, “Are you this smooth around all your one-night stands?” The smirk didn’t leave his features as he shook his head.

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