Chapter Twelve: "Mom...?"

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We were getting ready for dinner. Kyra told everyone to dress nice and of course they agreed. Mike and Drew headed home earlier so it was just going to be her family and me. I was still unsure how Ky and Jer would react and I know she was too.

She asked, “Can you help me?” I nodded and went over to her. I zipped up her black pants since she couldn’t reach them. I kissed her cheek and handed her the blouse. She slipped it on and then sat down. I put on her black flats and she thanked me. We had decided last week that we were just going to go over there. She grabbed her purse and we went out into the living room where everyone was waiting. Todd wasn’t coming since he was sick.

Kyra said, “Let’s go tards!” They stuck their tongues out at her but went and got in the back of the car. The whole way there Kyra was lecturing them about not cussing or freaking out in front of Dez and Angie. They both agreed but I was sure that would change. We pulled up and got out. Kyra knocked and Angie answered the door.

She jumped into my arms, “Dex! I knew you’d come back.”

I chuckled, “Of course. I could never leave you!” She grinned and then noticed Kyler and Jer. I said, “Angie, this is Kyra’s other brothers, Kyler and Jeremiah. They are really nice.” She shook their hands.

Dez came up, “Angie, remember what dad said about answering the door. You are too young. You have to be at least as tall as me.” She pouted. I set her down. Dez said, “Why don’t you go tell mom and dad they are here?”

She asked, “Arwe dey still in the bedwoom?” He nodded. She skipped away. He gestured for us to come in. We went to the living room and I gave him knuckles while Kyra hugged him.

Kyra asked, “So what’s this I hear you have been staying out all night?”

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly while avoiding her gaze. I had to smile at her motherly tone though. She had no clue she had it but she did. I kissed her cheek.

He said, “I’ve just been hanging out with some friends.”

She nodded but I knew she didn’t believe him, “Uh-huh sure. Anyways, this is Kyler and Jeremiah.” He shook their hands.

He said, “I’ve heard a lot about you guys.” We all sat down and Angie ran back in and jumped on my lap making me laugh.

She asked, “Kyler?” He looked at her curiously. She asked, “Arwe you a prince?” I grinned. He looked confused. I nodded at him without her noticing.

He said, “Uh..”

Jeremiah said, “Of course he is. But it is a secret so you can’t tell anyone, okay?”

She nodded, “Okay. I know how to keep a seeker.” I chuckled. I hope that my baby girl, when I get her, will be as cute as Angie. Lucas came in and hugged Kyra.

Kyler said, “Wow, you must be Lucas.” He nodded and shook hands with him. He said, “I’m Kyler and this is Jeremiah.”

Lucas nodded, “I recognized you from the pictures.” Kyler sent a curious glance to Kyra. Lucas asked, “Hey Angie?” Angie looked up. He said, “Why don’t you and Kyra go play dress up with Dez?” She nodded and pulled them away. I knew he was just trying to get them out of the room. He asked, “Are you two rational? I mean, I have some news but I want to make sure you won’t freak out.” They looked skeptical.

I said, “They probably will at first but they will be fine.” They looked between us curiously.

Jeremiah said, “If you plan to kill us and cook us for dinner just know that I know how to fight.” I laughed.

I shook my head, “It is nothing like that. You guys loved your mom right?” Their gazes snapped to me and they both nodded hesitantly.

Lucas said, “She isn’t dead.” Their jaws dropped. He kept going, “She faked her death since Todd wouldn’t sign the divorce papers and she wasn’t in love with him. She is my wife.” They just sat there still gaping.

I said, “Go get her.”

Lucas called, “Savannah?” Savannah came in looking extremely nervous.

Kyler asked in a whisper, “Mom?”

Savannah said, “Hey boys. It has been a while.” Suddenly Jeremiah was in front of her holding her in a hug that Kyler soon joined.

I chuckled, “I told you they were rational.” Lucas nodded at me and side hugged me.

He said, “Why don’t we give them some time? We can go check on dinner.” I nodded in agreement and we went in the kitchen.

I asked, “So what is going on with Dez? Did you talk to him?”

He nodded, “I tried. He just got up and walked out. I honestly don’t know what to do. It seems to have gotten worse. He didn’t even come home until today. I was about to put out a missing persons report. It is driving me crazy that I don’t know what to do. Savannah said just to give him time but I don’t want him to get into anything bad that he won’t be able to get out of.” Angie skipped in and he smiled at her but I could tell he was still thinking about Dez. He asked, “I thought you were playing dress up with Dez and Kyra?”

She nodded, “They arwe talking.”

I smiled, “Leave it to Kyra. She may not realize it, but she has a way with words. If anyone can get him to talk it is her.” He nodded. I asked, “You wanna help me stir Angie?” She nodded eagerly and I pulled up a chair so she could stand on it to stir the frosting. It would go on the cupcakes once they cooled. They were dessert.

About half an hour later we were done decorating and everything so we went back out to see the boys and Savannah on the couch talking. Dez and Kyra weren’t here so I went to check on them. They weren’t in Angie’s play room so I checked his room. I found them there and he was crying into her shoulder. She smiled at me slightly. I smiled back.

I mouthed, “Dinner’s done.”

She mouthed, “Thanks.” I nodded. She mouthed, “Send Dad up in five.” I nodded in understanding and went downstairs. Lucas looked at me questioningly.

I said, “Hey Luke.” He nodded for me to continue. I said, “Kyra wants you to go upstairs in five minutes.”

He said, “You know why?” I nodded but didn’t explain since everyone was watching. Savannah looked at him questioningly but he seemed to get it. He nodded, “Thanks.” I smiled at him. I knew he was concerned for Dez. He is his son. If my son starts doing that, he better hope Kyra doesn’t find out because then he will be in for a very long, irritating talk from her and then I would probably kick his ass for worrying me and her. 

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