Chapter Sixteen: Saying Goodbye

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Kyra Walsh:

I took his hand, walking him up the drive. We had just gone on a walk. Lucas told me it was good for me to go on short walks. Dexter smiled at me and pulled me to a stop outside the door. I couldn’t wait to go inside because it was cold out here, and everyone was waiting inside for him.

He said, “I love you, Kyra. You know that don’t you?”

I nodded, “I know. I love you too.”

He said, “You know that I don’t care what my parents say right? I’m eighteen today and I’ll be moved out by next week anyhow.”

I nodded, “I know, babe.”                      

He nodded, “Just making sure, you seem a little out of it.”

I said, “Why don’t we go inside? It is cold.” He nodded, taking my hand and pulling me in the door. We hung up our coats and he wrapped his arms around me.

He asked, “Better?” I pushed him away, taking a few steps backwards into the pitch black room. He asked, “Are you sure nothing is wrong?”

He flicked on the lights and everyone yelled, “Surprise!” He jumped, obviously surprised.

I laughed, “I’m fine babe. Happy birthday!” He grinned while looking around at all the decorations and people.

He hugged me, “I love it. Thank you, babe.”

With those simple words we celebrated. He seemed to be having a lot of fun and that is exactly what I wanted. Since he refused to leave me alone again after the Chase thing this was the next best thing. He got guy time and family time while I did the same. By the end of the night I was exhausted and he obviously was too as he looked ready to faint.

We cuddled on the couch and fell asleep watching a movie.

I woke up to pain in my stomach. I was still cuddled with Dexter on the couch and he seemed asleep deeply. I untangled myself from his arms and stood only to freeze. My legs felt frozen. It was too dark to see anything so I reached down and felt. My legs were extremely wet.

Oh no, is this blood? Are my babies dead? I felt immense pain again and was sure my thoughts were confirmed. I felt tears start coming as I picked up my phone. Dex was sleeping with a peaceful expression on his features. I sob escaped my mouth and I covered it with my hand. Dex stirred a little and opened his eyes, rubbing his face. He looked around and saw my figure looming over him.

He asked, “Ready to go to your bed?” I opened my mouth to tell him but a sob escaped again making him tense. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, “What’s the matter, baby?”

I whimpered as the pain erupted again. I pushed it away as he was worrying.

I whispered into his chest, “It’s gone.” I whimpered again only to hiccup half way through.

He sounded confused, “What’s gone?”

I cried, “The baby!” He pulled me tighter against him until he registered what I said and froze.

He asked, “What?” An even stronger than the usual pain coursed through my body making my knees buckle. He caught me luckily. The lights flicked on and Elliot stood in the doorway rubbing his eyes. He had passed out in the guest bedroom earlier. When he looked at our scene his eyes widened.

I looked down, expecting to see blood but instead I was in a clear puddle of water.

He gasped, “Your water broke! You have to go to the hospital!” I whimpered in pain as it coursed through my stomach again. He asked, “Pain?” I nodded as he dialed numbers on the phone. He said, “Fuck, you’re already having contractions. How often?”

Dex looked shell-shocked. I whimpered as pain exploded again.

Elliot cursed and shoved Dex, snapping him out of his daze. He snapped, “If you want this kid to live get your ass in the car.” Dex shook his head, clearing his thoughts before picking me up and carrying me to the car.

Dexter Keese:

It all seemed burry as people moved about around Kyra. She was screaming in pain now. I felt helpless, standing out of the way of the nurses, Elliot and Lucas.

My vision cleared immediately when a baby’s cry came into sound. I looked over, and found myself next to her immediately. She looked to be fading in and out of consciousness.

She mumbled, half-heartedly, “Mayson.” Her eyes shut completely and I was shoved out of the way. I was pulled out of the room along with Mayson, a nurse and Elliot. Lucas was shouting things to the other nurse but Elliot just yanked me along. We stopped in a quieter room and Elliot started wiping Mayson down gently. He was cleaning the blood and other liquids off of him.

Finally he snapped his fingers in front of my face, “Dexter. Do you want to hold him?” I nodded instantly. He wrapped him in a blanket and put a little blue hat on him. I saw his dark hair before he did though. He handed me the baby, my baby. I smiled as tears blurred my vision. I have a son!

The second nurse that we left in Kyra’s room pushed another baby in a cart in. That couldn’t be Kyra’s. We would have known if she was pregnant with twins. She quickly cleaned the baby up before putting a hat and blanket on it.

Elliot asked, “Whose baby is this?”

She smiled sadly at me, “It is yours.” I felt my heart flood with happiness as I registered what she said. She continued, “It is a boy.” I went over and looked down at the baby boy whimpering.

Elliot said, “No wonder it was growing so big. There were two of them!”

Nana rushed in with Savannah. The immediately cooed at the babies.

Savannah asked, “Twins?”

I nodded, unable to get the grin off my face, “I guess so.” It was just us for a while, holding and cooing the babies. Soon everyone was here, smiling and chatting about the beautiful boys.

Lucas came in a few hours later, his expression grave. He cleared his throat, catching our attention. Savannah stood to go to him but he held up his hand looking sad.

He said, “You’ll want to be seated for this.” She looked confused, slowly sitting back down. He closed his eyes and I saw a tear slip, “Kyra did not,” he gulped, “make it.” For the first time since I had Mayson in my arms, my smile fell. I didn’t even know what to say as none of us did. We all looked at each other. As soon as my eyes met with Lucas’ again tears spilled over.

She can’t be dead. She never got to hold our sons. She has to hold them. She has to see them. She has to kiss their booboos better. She has to live! She has to see their first steps, hear their first words, taste their first home-made breakfast, run her hands through their hair when they cry, smell their stinky diapers.

He continued, also crying but trying to stay strong, “She had a hemorrhage and we couldn’t stop the blood.” A sob escaped at the end. I looked down at the two babies in my arms.

My brain screamed at me to throw them across the room and into the opposite wall. My heart hurt at the fact they were the reason she died. My brain quickly changed courses though. It wasn’t their fault. It was no one’s fault. They are all I have left of her. I’ll be damned if I was going to let either of them get hurt ever in their lives!

So, as I sat down next to the corpse of Kyra at my request to see her, I promised her, “I’ll love these two forever, Kyra. I swear. No one will ever hurt them. I’ll raise them just like we both dreamed about.” I whimpered a little and swallowed. I continued, “I wish you wouldn’t have died!” And just like that I broke down. But even as I bawled half lying on top of her pale body I knew I’d never break that promise.


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