Chapter Six: Old Daddy

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Kyra Walsh:

He was bouncing in his seat from happiness. I couldn’t take the smile off my features. I wish he was the real father of my son. He would have been so much better. I wonder if they would know if I put his name on the birth certificate. It is worth a shot. He pulled out a disc and popped it in my player. ‘A whole new world’ from Aladdin came on.

I chuckled, “You put in a Disney CD?”

He nodded, “It’s for the baby.” My smile spread. Oh my god, he is definitely going on the birth certificate. I already vowed to myself Chase wouldn’t ever get to see, let alone meet, his son. No, it is Dexter’s. Chase’s chapter in my life is done, and I will be damned if there is a sequel.

I said, “You have no idea what you are doing.”

He shook his head, “Well, I vaguely do. I read online that babies can hear sounds even while still in your tummy.” I laughed and he blushed, turning to look out the window while singing softly along to ‘Circle of Life’ from the lion king.

I said, “You are right, they can.” Dexter has changed so much in my eyes today. I was flipping out while waiting, he made me calm down. I was flipping out after he told Ted he was the father, he made me calm down. I was still skeptical, but I knew I would be safe with him, and so would my son. Then, when he practically shouted that he wanted copies of the pictures I knew I made the right choice. Dexter was the father of my son. I’m so happy it is a boy.

I pulled up to Nana’s house and got out, with the pictures. Dex was already on the porch ringing the bell. I knew no matter what that Nana would accept him as the father. I did what I had wanted to do for the past week. I went up to him and spun him around. He looked at me confused until I pushed him up against the door and kissed him. He was shocked and froze at first before kissing back just as fiercely. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance that I granted easily. His tongue fought with mine and he tasted so good. He was holding me to him with one hand around my waist and the other around my neck. We broke apart when someone cleared their throat. I turned around in his arms to see Nana.

She said, “I guess it is safe to say you two are dating.” I could tell Dex was about to say no.

I cut in, “As of earlier today.”

She nodded, “Is that why you came over?”

I shook my head, “Nope, you want to see some pictures of your great grandson.”

She squealed, “It’s a boy!” I nodded, grinning again. She cheered, “Congratulations!”

I nodded, “I wanted to talk to you too. Do you want to go inside?”

She shook her head, “It is nice today. Let’s sit on the porch!” Why did she seem hesitant? I just nodded and sat down with her on the porch. Dexter leaned against the post. I handed her the pictures and told her what they were as we went through them although she already knew a bunch. She sighed in contentment, “I’m happy you are having a boy. Girls are too much trouble.” I nodded in agreement.

I said, “Dex, will you go get us some drinks?” He nodded.

Nana called, “Lemonade’s in the fridge.” As soon as the door shut behind him Nana asked, “What is it?” She always knew!

I said, “I think you will like this idea.” She nodded for me to continue. I explained, “Dex wants to play the father role. He is really good. He told the doctor he was the father. He really wants to be and I kind of want him to be too.” Nana’s face broke into a big grin. She side hugged me.

She said, “I like him. He is good for you. I haven’t seen you smile this much in a while.” She was going to continue but there was shouting from inside the house. We both looked back as Dex flew out and stumbled, rolling in the dirt. I jumped up and helped him up as a middle aged man came out of the house. He had black hair that was graying. His bright green eyes made me freeze. He…no…Nana would tell me.

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