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<My name is Sora ;) Sorry for the bad grammar too. I don't own the pictures>

I toned out 'Bitch I'm fabulous I should be in the special classes' thought my subconscious. Neji stopped suddenly making my crush into his back. "Hey! why did you stop so suddenly?" I yelled but he was looking at something else or somebody else.......

Looking into the distance I seen a girl with Mid back length light purple hair in to ponytails talking to a guy with long brown hair gong down his back.

They looked like they were laughing and having a good time over there. "I wonder what student council president is doing over there?" Hinata mumble under her breath, Just as Hinata finished saying that the president turned to our direction and smiled. Waving while walking over to us, she smile "Hello Hinata Neji and (Y/n)." Fear on my face could be shown it was as if she could read my mind "I'm student Council President Sora and I got informed that well have a new student."

I laughed nervously. "No need to be scared around me let loose and be yourself" she grabbed my hand, "I'm supposed to make everyone feel welcome and if you feel scared around me then I'm doing a bad job." Don't get me wrong I didn't trust her completely but I did let loose a little bit "I'm glad you let loose even it it's for a little bit. So, you guys are showing her around huh?" she turned her attention to the other two.

Neji replied "Ya we needed to show her around before school start up again tomorrow" he crossed his arms and closed his eyes as if in deep thoughts. "Oh OK have anyone seen Naruto?" as if right on time someone shouted, "HEY GUYS!" yelled someone from behind us we tried to the voice and the boy from before. As soon as he got close enough to us he slowed down "Hello Neji Hinata new girl and President."

"Hello Na-ru-to"




"..................I should be getting going."

Naruto tried to make his escape but president grabs him by the his shirt. "Where do you think your going?" sweat dripped (I swear) a huge demon mask appeared behind her but I think I was imagining it."Naruto you have work to do as Vice president," Her grip of him tighten "And you have a punishment to face" Her voice was sweet but you could pick up the Venom deep within it. "Well I'll see you later. Neji don't forget about the meeting" She smiled dragging away a scared Naruto to face her rage.

Neji shudder. "(Y/n) if you ever get in trouble....... Hope and pray you only have to deal with the discipline committee" he says and Hinata agrees. 'Mental note don't get on the president bad side' I thought, and then continued walking with them. The day went on as normal as possible. I learned that their school have a group called the Akatsuki (The delinquents) and that I should stay away (Mostly Hiden) from the expect Itachi. As Neji (Tried) teaching me more about my new home I toned out.

"Hey! Are you even listening?" he snapped. "Obviously I wasn't" I hissed back, I was tired and I needed to rest but boy was he making me mad. "If you can't listen to me then how do you expect to listen to the teacher at school... I bet you make bad grades" he mumbled the last part. "I bet I make better grades then you" I mumbled also. "What? I'm sorry I couldn't catch that, Would you say that again?" he smirked.

'I hope you can catch these hands I'm about to throw' is what I would have said, but lucky Neji Hinata said something "Let's go to a cafe over there" Hinata suggested pointing at the cafe crossed the street. We went to the cafe in which had a smell of coffee and cake. From there Hinata and I spend time talking and enjoying the calm atmosphere with a nice slice of cake.

Before Neji left he gave me two maps one for the city and the other of the school with me classes marked. When me and my new found friend (Hopefully) the waitress came over to us with tea.

We didn't order any Tea

"Excuse me miss we did order any tea" I say confused, she was about to reply but Shisui came out of nowhere "But I order it for you my treat. My. Kitten." he winked at me again. Sweat dropped at his comment flirty like the first we met. I sighed in my head as to other guys sat down next to Shisui one if the guys I've seen before the other was new.

Shisui broke the silence "Well let me introduce myself fully I'm Shisui Uchiha those are my cousins Izuma and Itachi Uchiha. Izuma this is (Y/n) (L/n)." 'Izuna? Can it be that Izuna?' I thought not noticing the stare I was getting from him. When I made eye contact with him I quickly looked away from him. "Do you know her Izuna?"

"No" Izuna says bluntly.

Itachi looked up from his book and smirked at you when you made eye contact with him.

"Are you sure?", Shisui teased.

Izuma nodded a yes, "I'm sure. Her name sound similar to a girl I know. "

"You mean that online girl that you talk so much about" Shisui replied bored.

"Hn" <There it goes the famous Uchiha line XD>

"But don't you think these two girls are cute?"

Me and Hinata blushed at Shisui comment.

"I have not interest in these girls only the online one. When she comes to our school. . . I'll stop at nothing to find her."

Shisui just gave a All-The-Fuck-I-give-face "And then you'll confess to her, right?"

Izuna blushed and yelled, "I DON'T LIKE HER LIKE THAT" gaining the attention of the people around us. Deep inside I was so excited and happy that he cared for me, but then I was terrified I wasn't sure what to expect when Izuna found me. All I knew was that he was going to find me at some point.

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