Chapter Fifteen

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"Gone? What do you mean gone? How is he gone?" 

My mind is whirling with questions. Why would he leave? Where'd he go? Waverly nods his head to confirm.

"No one can find him," He says. I shake my head vigourosly. 

"So? What if he's outside? Did you even look! He-"

"Prim!" Waverly cuts me off. He grips onto my shoulder so tightly, I think it's going to break. "He's gone. He must've run away." I shake my head again.

"Why would he run away? He wants to take down Snow like the rest of us? Why would he-"

I gasp suddenly. Waverly stares at me intently and the whole room is focusing on me. Even Beetee has stopped yelling to listen to me. 

"The Capitol." I say without looking at anyone. Waverly furrows his eyebrows. 

"What about it?" He asks. I look up at him and lick my lips. 

"He left to the Capitol. That's the only place he'd go to." I say. Everyone still looks confused. I sigh.

"Last night, we were talking about Katniss, he thought there was a possibility she could still be alive. I told him she wasn't alive because of Snow. He must've left to go kill Snow!" I explain. The room is silent for a minute, then everyone starts mumbling to each other. Waverly runs a hand through his hair and sighs. 

"We need to get him back." I say. Waverly shakes his head. 

"If he's going to attack Snow, our best chances are to just let him." He tells me. I fold my arms and drop my mouth. 

"What? But, we can't just leave him alone! What if he gets hurt?" I protest. Beetee puts a hand on my shoulder to calm me. 

"Gale's been surviving by hisself for a while. He'll do fine." He says. I take a deep breathe. Unbelievable. They aren't going to do anything about this?

"I want Gale back!" I shout. Tears start to form in my eyes and I don't bother wiping them. The monitors all start buzzing and everyone turns their heads towards them. I almost pass out when I see President Snow with Gale sitting along next to him. His face is covered in cuts and I see a few bruises. Now my tears spill out like a waterfall.

No one says anything. Snow sighs and glances at Gale.

"I hate to be the bad guy." He says finally. I cover my mouth as my eyes get puffy. You hate to be the bad guy? Unlikely. 

"But, unfortunetly, I have to be. Seems your Gale friend can't follow your directions. I hope you can tune in to see his final farewell." Snow gives a smirk, and the monitor goes black. I let out a small scream and cry into Waverly's shoulder.

"They hurt him." I mumble. "We have to help him!" Again, Beetee's head shakes. "There's nothing we can do. We can't go into the Capitol without them finding us and immediately killing us off. It's too late." I wipe my eyes and look at Beetee like he's crazy.

"Too late? No! We can still go save him! We can't just let him die! We have to do something!" I cry. Waverly doesn't say anything. He looks down and continues to let me cry.

"Please." I whimper. Beetee sighs. "I'm sorry." He whispers. Before anyone else can say anything, I run out of the room. I continue to wipe my eyes over and over but more fall out. By the time I look at myself in my bathroom mirror, my eyes are bright red and look three times their size. Why aren't they going to help him? It doesn't make any sense. I sit on the bed and look at the empyt made bed next to me. The bed where less than twenty-four ago, my best friend once slept. I won't see him die. I won't let him. I don't want him to be with Katniss, or Peeta, or even my father. I want him with me.

I stand suddenly and storm out of the room. I can hear everyone else training and it makes me cry again. I leave outside and stand in front of the small shack. I'm not going to stay and watch my best friend die. I'm going to save him.

By the time I get past the gates, the sky is starting to turn purple. I glance back at the ruins of District four and continue to run. My stomach starts growling and I remember that I didn't bring any food with me. I didn't bring anything with me. I clutch my stomach and force myself to keep moving. I sort of wish I was back in the Hunger Games right now. At least I could find food there. I pick up some leaves from a bush and decide to chew on them. I won't swallow, but chewing at least satisfies me.

It's pitch black and I start to see the glow from District three's fence. I know that their fence is turned on, considering that their specialty is electronics. I see a few peacekeepers standing around, they look as if they're ready to fall asleep. I stand still, trying to think of what to do. It'd be easy for one of them to spot me and turn me in, and there's no other way around them.  A few pinecones lay around and I pick a couple up. I take a deep breathe and throw it over the fence. It lands in front of the man and I don't give him time to look up before another comes flying over. 

I run behind a tree, and find another set of pinecones. I smile to myself and throw another set of two over the fence. They land a few feet behind the peacekeeper, and when he goes to check them, I make a run for the next tree. The second peacekeeper turns to the fence and gets as close to it as he can without electricuting hisself. Another pincecone leaves my hand but hits the fence instead. The lights go brighter as the brown pinecone turns black. The other peacekeepers run over to the fence and look at my tree.

"Is someone out there?" I hear one of them whisper. Another man lets out a snort.

"Do you want to ask? Because I'm sure whoever's out there would answer." He snaps. The other man sighs. 

"It's nothing." Thee first man whispers. He turns and the other peacekeepers follow. I take this as my chance and sprint for the bushes. When I make into the bush, I hear the peacekeepers turn back around.

"Someone is out there!" The first man yells. I don't let them continue their conversation. I run further and further until the illumination of the fence is no longer in my vision. It's still pitch black, but I can tell I'm not that far away from District two. 

When I finally reach District one, I force myself to rest. It seems like the sky will never turn blue again, and sit and rest on the soft ground. The dirt actually feels soft, and for some reason I feel like I'm in my bed again. As soon as my head hits the ground, my eyes shut.

When I wake, the sky is starting to turn blue. I figure it's around eight o'clock. I see the fence of District one and slowly approach it. From here, I can see some houses and they are all just as nice as the victor's village in District twelve. A few people walk out of there house, saying hi to one another, and a few of them start to talk about the Hunger Games ending so quickly. I remember that they were watching us, and we didn't even finish. It must be wierd for them, too. I remember what I'm supposed to be doing and continue to run, dodging anything not covered by a tree. 

"Almost there, almost there." I repeat to myself. By now, my stomach feels like it's about to fall out. It feels like it's been forever since I last ate. I clutch my stomach again and groan.

"Almost there, almost there." I say again, and force myself to keep moving. When I see bright city lights, I put on a relieved smile. Bright colors fill my vision and and my smile gets bigger and bigger with every step I take. I made it.

I'm in the Capitol.


Stick with me guys, I know this chapter wasn't the best. It was short, and a little boring, but good news! The next chapter is the ICBTIH chapter! Whoo! I'm actually excited for this one, and I hope you end up saying, "I Can't Believe This Is Happening" by the end! Question: What do you think is gonna happen? Comment what you think. Go! Go! Go! (: 

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