Castiels Aussagen über Dean

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"For the first time, I feel..." 4x16

Sam: "Hello?! I spent all that time trying to get through to you. Dean calls once and it's 'Hello'!"
Cas: "Yes."
Sam: "So what... you like him better or something?"
Cas: "Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn't gonna mention it."

"So I went to an old friend for help. But watching him, I stopped. Everything he sacrificed... and I was about to ask him for more." Cas zu Gott 6x20

"The worst part was Dean trying so hard to be loyal with every instinct telling him otherwise." Cas zu Gott 6x20

Ishim zu Cas: "Who are you gonna believe? Your brother, or some filthy ape who's always talking down to you, always mocking you."
Dean: "You know, Cas and I might not agree all the time, but at least he knows who his real friends are."
Cas: "Why do his words bother you so much, Ishim?"
Ishim: "Who is he to question my choices? Who is he to question yours?"
Cas: "Well, it seems that some of my choices may need to be questioned." 12x10

Naomi: "You have to choose, Castiel, us or them! (...) Kill him!"
Cas: "I won't hurt Dean. He's a good man." 8x17

Hannah: "Punish him. You gave us order, Castiel, and we gave you our trust. Don't lose it over one man. This is justice."
Cas: "No. I can't." 9x22

Metatron: "Dean is fine, mostly. Can't you get past that?"
Cas: "Never."
Castiel kann Metatron niemals vergeben, nicht wegen dem was er ihm antat, nicht weil er seine Gnade raubte, nicht weil er die Engel fallen ließ, sondern weil er ihm Dean nahm.

Cas: "Dean has given up."
Bobby: "And you idjits haven't?"
Cas: "Would you?"
Bobby: "Hell no." 10x17

Claire: "Dean Winchester is a monster."
Cas: "It's possible there's a little monster in all of us." 10x10

"Die Leere wird mich erst dann holen, wenn ich mir selbst eingestehe, dass ich glücklich bin. Und bei allem was... Das ist wohl so bald nicht zu erwarten. Diese Leben hat mir vieles zu bieten, aber wahres Glück kaum." Castiel 14x09

Sam: "Thanks for coming, Cas."
Cas: "Of course. Where's Dean?"

Cas: "Where's the pie?"
Verkäufer: "I think we're out."
Cas: "You don't understand. I need pie!"
Cas geht für Dean einkaufen.

Cas zu Dean: "You brought your mother?"
Mary: "Yes, he did."

Hannah steht unbekleidet vor Castiel.
Hannah: "Does this bother you?"
Cas: "Bother? I'm not..."
Nicht was? Straight? Single? Attracted to anyone but Dean?

Jack: "Dean really likes Cowboys."
Cas: "Yes, he does..." 13x06

"I told you, he's an angry sleeper... Like a bear." Cas zu Jack 13x06

Sam: "What the hell happened to him?"
Cas: "Me." 5x18

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