Aussagen Dritter über Dean und Castiel

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"I'm sorry. You lost him? That's... interesting. How is it that you lost Dean? I thought the two of you were joined at the... you know, everything." Kipling zu Cas 14x01

"I've tiptoed through all your little tulips, your memories, your little feelings. Yes, I know who you love... what you fear. There's nothing for you back there." Die Leere zu Cas 13x04

Crowley: "How's that grace of yours holding up?"
Cas: "It's fine, Crowley, I'm fine."
Crowley: "Sure. The clock's ticking again, isn't it? Running errands all over the U.S. burning through that rather finite supply of grace... all in a desperate effort to save your boyfriend." S10

"And the Angel tablet, arguably the most powerful instrument in the history of the universe, is in pieces, and for what again? Oh, that's right, to save Dean Winchester, that was your goal, right? I mean, you drape yourself in the flag of Heaven. But ultimately, it was all about saving one human, right? Well, guess what. He's dead, too." Metatron zu Cas 9x23

"When Castiel first laid a hand on you in hell he was lost!" Hester zu Dean
Hester weiß, wo Castiels Loyalität nun ist und wo sie immer sein wird, und doch versteht sie nicht. Castiel isn't lost, he's found.

"Castiel? He's not here. You see, he has this weakness. He likes you." Uriel zu Dean S4

"His true weakness is revealed. He's in love... with humanity." Metatron über Cas
Und wir alle wissen, wer diese Menschlichkeit ist.

"You survived Hell. You were chosen by God. But now look at you. You're just sad and pathetically weak. So now I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna cure you of your human weakness same way I cured my own... by cutting it out." Ishim zu Cas während er versucht Dean zu töten 12x10

"Do it. You blast me away, you'll blast away every angel in the room. I'll survive. Castiel on the other hand, he's hurt. He might live or he might just end up a bloody smear on the wall. Roll the dice." Ishim zu Dean 12x10
Doch Dean berührt die Blutsigille nicht und ist somit bereit sein Leben zu opfern, um Castiel nicht zu gefährden.

"When your pet angel found my burial site, I thought about ending him and swatting him like a fly. But then I thought about you. Your biggest weakness, the thing I noticed the moment I met you." Cain zu Dean 10x12

"Then you'd kill the angel. Castiel. Now that one... that, I suspect, would hurt... something awful. (...) Has it never occurred to you that you're living my life in reverse?" Cain zu Dean S10
Cain musste Abel seinen eigenen Bruder töten, dann die Liebe seines Lebens Colette, dann die Ritter der Hölle. Dean dagegen würde Crowley töten, dann Castiel, dann Sam.

Dean: "I'm fine. Really."
Bobby: "Of course. Yeah. You just lost the best friend you ever had." 7x02

"Dean, we'll get him back." Sam über Cas
"Don't worry, we'll bring him back." Sam zu Cas über Dean

"You're hoping Castiel will return to you. I admire your loyalty. I only wish he felt the same way." Naomi zu Dean

"I don't think Cas is going anywhere." Chuck zu Dean

"Looks like you have an admirer." Barkeeperin zu Dean über Cas

"You know, the one in the dirty trenchcoat who's in love with you." Balthazar zu Dean
Dean leugnet es nicht.

Dean: "Cas!"
Mary: "That's your boyfriend?" S12

"Go ask him, he was your boyfriend first." Meg zu Dean
Dean leugnet es immer noch nicht.

"Remember me? I sure remember you, Clarence."
"That was beautiful, Clarence."
"Why are you so sweet on me, Clarence?"
"We're going to heaven, Clarence."
Wenn Meg Castiel Clarence nennt, nimmt sie Bezug auf den Film 'It's a Wonderful Life' von 1946, in dem der Engel Clarence dem Menschen George Balley zeigt, dass sein Leben lebenswert ist.

"Dean Winchester is saved." Die Engel nachdem Castiel Dean aus der Hölle errettete. S4

"See, the stench of that Impala's all over your overcoat, angel." Crowley zu Cas

"I'll just say: Dean." Casifer zu Dean 11x14

"You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition." Michael zu Dean 14x10

"I think you hurt his feelings." Sam zu Dean über Cas 6x19

"We believe in Castiel... and you." Gadreel zu Dean

"It may be unspoken but that doesn't mean it's not there." Misha Collins

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