Castiel & Meg

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Meg: "You're an angel."
Cas: "I'm sorry, is that a flirtation?" 7x17

"Remember me? I sure remember you, Clarence."
"That was beautiful, Clarence."
"We're going to heaven, Clarence."
Wenn Meg Castiel Clarence nennt, nimmt sie Bezug auf den Film 'It's a Wonderful Life' von 1946, in dem der Engel Clarence dem Menschen George Balley zeigt, dass sein Leben lebenswert ist.

Meg: "Why are you so sweet on me, Clarence?"
Cas: "I still don't know who Clarence is."
Meg: "Would it kill you to watch a movie, read a book?" 8x17

"The only angel who'd go to bat for me." Meg

Cas: "Put the knife down. Leave her be."
Crowley: "Meg, I'm gonna scoop you up, take you home, and roast you til you're jerky. But not yet. Cas can have you for now. Hilariously, it seems he'd be upset at losing you."

Meg: "Since when do I need protection?"
Cas: "Since you were held captive and tortured for over a year."
Meg: "Touché."

"I miss the simplicity: I was bad, you were good, life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kinda good, which sucks. You're kind of bad, which is kind of all manner of hot." Meg zu Cas 8x17

"Keep talking dirty. Makes my meatsuit all dewy." Meg zu Cas S6

Meg: "What was that?"
Cas: "I lerned that from the pizza man."
Meg: "Well, a plus for you. I feel so... clean."
Nachdem Castiel Meg küsste.

Meg: "You remember everything?"
Cas: "If you're referring to the pizza man, yes, I remember the pizza man, and it's a good memory."
Meg: "We survive this, I'm gonna order some pizza, and we're gonna move some furniture around, you understand?"
Cas: "No, I- Wait, actually... yes." 8x17

Cas: "These wounds have festered."
Meg: "You really do know how to make a girl's nethers quiver, don't you?"
Cas: "I am aware of how to do that. Although it doesn't usually involve cleaning wounds." 8x17

"We both call, who do you think Cas will come to? I'm guessing me." Meg zu Dean

"Meg will... will get another light and I'll... I'll blow it out again." Castiel

Cas: "Will you look at her? My caretaker. All of that thorny pain. So beautiful..."
Meg: "We've been over this... I don't like poetry." S7
Castiel kann Megs wahres Gesicht sehen und denkt immer noch sie sei wunderschön.

"Some chick actually got you off hunting, huh? That's one rare creature. How did you meet this unicorn? (...) You fell in love with a unicorn. It was beautiful, then sad, then sadder. I laughed, I cried, I puked in my mouth a little. And honestly, I kind of get it. (...) Go. Save your brother... and my unicorn." Meg zu Sam 8x17
Bei dem Versuch Crowley aufzuhalten stirbt Meg in dem Wissen, dass Castiel mit den Winchesters entkommen wird.

Dean: "He's using a fake name: Clarence."
Sam: "That's what Meg used to call him." S9
Ein Wort, das ihn immer an sie erinnern wird. Castiel hat Meg nie vergessen.

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