Deans Aussagen über Castiel

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"Nobody wants him here more than I do." Dean über Cas

"Cas is our family. So we can't let you hurt him!"

Sam: "Casdean?"
Dean: "Shut your face! Get in the car." 10x05
(Sam:"You loved her." Dean:"Get in the car." Ihr Name war Cassie Robinson. Staffel 1)

Dean: "Can I tell you something between you and me?"
Tessa: "Who am I gonna tell?"
Dean: "After our little, uh, experience... for that whole year, I felt like I had this... hole in my gut... like I was missing something. I didn't know what. Do you know what it was? It was you. The pain of losing my father and Sammy. I just... I wish I had gone with you for good. But I guess things are different now."
Tessa: "What? The angel on your shoulder?"
Dean: "You know about that? He just makes me feel... I don't know." 4x15

"I don't know, I mean, you know, there's - there's things... there's... people, feelings that I...I... I want to experience differently than I have before. Or maybe even for the first time. I'm just starting to think that... maybe there's more to it all than I thought." Dean 10x16

Engel: "Where is Castiel?"
Dean: "Who's asking?"
Engel: "Try every angel who was ejected from their home."
Dean: "Oh. Oh, well, in that case, I have no clue."
Obwohl Dean wirklich nicht weiß, wo sich Cas befindet, lässt er den Engel glauben, er wüsste es, um Cas zu schützen. Dean provoziert den Engel ihn für Antworten zu foltern, die er gar nicht hat, um den Engel abzulenken und Cas Zeit zu verschaffen. Obgleich Dean glaubt, dass Cas noch immer ein Engel ist, versucht er die Gefahr auf sich fragilen Menschen umzulenken.

Sam: "But Cas may not come back willingly. I mean, he chose it."
Dean: "No. No, not possible." S11

Dean: "We got even less jack on how to save Cas."
Sam: "Yeah, if he even wants to be saved."
Dean: "He does. Even if he doesn't know it yet." 11x15

"First, we find the angel." Dean zu Benny
"Where's the angel?!" Dean zu einem Monster
Dean bleibt ein ganzes Jahr im Fegefeuer um Cas zu suchen, obwohl er jederzeit gehen könnte.

"We're going home." Dean 8x02
"Let's go find that idiot and bring him home." Dean 11x18
Dean weiß, dass Castiels Zuhause bei ihm ist.

Amara zu Casifer: "I think you and I need to have a nice chat."
Dean: "Cas!?" 11x18
Endlich sah Amara es. All die Sehnsucht, den Schmerz und die Verzweiflung... doch nichts davon für sie. Sie konnte Dean zwar den Verstand rauben, aber niemals sein Herz.

Jack: "You and Castiel, you're my family."
Dean: "Yes, we are." S13

"Cas is family!" Dean zu Bobby und Sam 6x20
Dean verteidigt Cas, obwohl ihm jeder Instinkt das Gegenteil befiehlt.

"'It?' It's not an 'It', Sam. It's Cas." Dean

Ishim: "You know, when I knew Castiel, he was a soldier. He was a warrior. He was an angel's angel. Now look how far he's fallen. No wings, no home. Just a ratty old coat."
Dean: "Oh well, you can go to hell."
Cas: "Dean! It's fine."
Dean: "No. No, it's not." 12x10

"Those stories that we tell to keep us going? Sometimes they blind us.They take us to dark places. The people who love me, they pulled me back from that edge." Dean über Sam und Cas
Würde Dean keinen Unterschied der Liebe von und zu den beiden sehen, hätte er wohl eher 'My family/ My brothers' oder etwas in der Art gesagt.

"I'm not gonna lie to you. Me and him. It's a pretty messed-up situation we got going." Endverse!Dean zu Dean während er auf Endverse!Cas zeigt 5x04

"You mean you're gonna feed your friends into a meat grinder? Cas too? Oh man, something is broken in you." Dean zu Endverse!Dean 5x04
Cas scheint also doch nicht bloß 'nur ein Freund' zu sein...

Anna: "Cas got sent back home. Well, more like dragged back."
Dean: "To heaven? That's not a good thing?"
Anna: "No. That's a very bad thing. Painfully, awfully bad. He must have seriously pissed someone off."
Dean: "Cas said he had something to tell me. Something important." 4x20

"Dude, on my car, he showes up naked, covered in bees." Dean über Cas 7x23

Sam: "You talk to Cas yet?"
Dean: "No."
Sam: "So, what, you're just gonna keep walking past each other in the kitchen, not saying a word?"
Dean: "Maybe."
Sam: "Look, yes, Cas killed Billie, but he saved us. He saved Mom. How long are you gonna stay pissed?"
Dean: "I'm not pissed that he cares about us, you know. I'm – I'm grateful. But Billie said there would be "cosmic consequences" if that deal got broken. You have any idea what that means?!" 12.10

Dean: "No!"
Sam: "We gotta go."
Dean: "Cas!" 12x23
(Sam:"No!" Dean:"We gotta get out." Sam:"Jess!" 1x01)

"Okay, Chuck... or god, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You left us. You went off. You said... You said the earth would be fine because it had me... and it had Sam. But it's not, and we're not. We've lost everything. And now you're gonna bring him back. Okay? You're gonna bring back Cas. 'Cause after everything that you've done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here and you make this right, right here and right now. Please. Please help us." Dean betend zu Gott 13x01

"It got Cas dead! Now you might be able to forget that, but I can't!" Dean zu Sam S13

Billie: "Maybe you're not that guy anymore, the guy who always thinks he'll win no matter what. You have changed. And you tell people it's not a big deal. You tell people you'll work through it, but you know you won't, you can't, and that scares the hell out of you."
Dean: "What do you want me to say? I don't matter. I couldn't save Mom. I couldn't save Cas. I can't even save a scared little kid. Sam keeps trying to fix it, but I just keep dragging him down. So I'm not gonna beg. Okay, if it's my time, it's my time."
Billie: "You really believe that. You wanna die. But I say, keep living." 13x05

Sam: "You okay?"
Dean: "No. Sam, I'm not okay, I'm pretty far from okay. You know, my whole life, I always believed that what we do was important. No matter what the cost, no matter who we lost, whether it was Dad or... or Bobby or... And I would take the hit. But I kept on fighting because I believed that we were making the world a better place. And now Mom and Cas... And I... I don't know. I don't know."
Sam: "So now you don't believe anymore."
Dean: "Right now, I don't believe in a damn thing. (...) I just need a win. I just need a damn win." 13x05

Sam: "It's good to see you smile."
Dean: "Well, I said I needed a big win. We got Cas back. That's a pretty damn big win." 13x06

Sam: "Und Cas... Du hast es ihm nicht einmal erzählt."
Dean: "Okay, weiß du, ich bin einfach nicht gut im Abschiednehmen. Das würde zu Unsicherheiten führen, die ich eventuell nicht verkrafte." 14x12

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